How to Heal from Your Workouts Quicker

How to Heal from Your Workouts Quicker

Everyone thinks about getting in shape by the means of eating a few good foods and blasting their muscles in the gym. In addition, from time to time, people like to associate getting in shape with running long distances and burning body fat in general. However, whenever we discuss working out and getting shredded, we have to also take recovery and healing time into the equation to maximize the results.

In fact, without the proper healing and rest, recovering from workouts does not happen adequately, and the results from the workouts begin to become lack-luster and not as good as they could be with the proper rest and recovery. Rest entails hormone balance and nutrient partitioning: both of which are absolutely essential for allowing the body to be torn-down during the workout and then built back up through recovery time.

That said, the holy grail of making progress in the gym and with workouts, could be said to be healing from the muscle tears quicker. So, how do we maximize recovery? Take these tips into consideration during your next post-workout recovery session.

1. Stretch before and after your weight training

Although stretching may not seem like a very sexy thing to partake in; and, although the actual workout itself seems to be the thing that builds the muscles, stretching can play a very important role in both priming the muscles for workout and priming the muscles for recovery. Stretching is in essence exactly what it sounds like: stretching out the muscles so that they do not become too tight. Stretching allows for lengthening of the muscles which in turn prevents than from becoming too tight and thus allowing them to grow. Stretch to recover and stretch to grow!

2. Eat the proper amounts of sodium and potassium

We often hear that sodium should be kept to a minimum each day to avoid the effects of high blood pressure. However, for athletes, proper amounts of sodium are needed to keep the muscle cells hydrated and ready to take in both water and nutrients. In the same manner, the proper amount of potassium must be taken in to help the muscles get the energy they need to perform during the workout. Balance the right amounts of sodium and potassium to reap the benefits of both the workout and also the recovery.

3. Sleep, sleep, and then sleep some more

Getting the proper amount of sleep, if not the only thing, is probably the most IMPORTANT thing in regards to healing from workouts more efficiently and quicker in general. Sleep is so often understated and underrated that it is almost a sad phenomenon to realize that all the sleep in the world can make all the difference in regard to workout recovery and results. For example, 8-10 hours of sleep per night can yield the maximum amount of testosterone and HGH production in a night of sleep whereas 5-6 hours of sleep per night may skimp you on 15% or more of those hormones each and every night! Get your Z’s for the best Recoveries!

4. Take care of your body parts

Want to recover better? Let’s say you need proper Fasciitis Recovery…then take care of all your body parts by listening to what your body has to say. For instance, if your back is sore and aching, then give it a rest! If your feet are bleeding and blistering, then take a break from running. The best thing you can do sometimes is just to let your body do the talking and then let yourself do the listening to ensure that you avoid injury and maximize the speed of your recovery so you can get back into the gym quicker and stronger than ever before. Listen, listen, and listen some more!


Although it can be fun and exciting to focus on the weight training portion of building muscle and becoming a lean and mean machine, recover can be just as important in regard to building the body you have always wanted. Take these tips into consideration and heal from your workouts quicker so that you can workout some more and get strong and shredded faster than anyone else!