We all know that Hearing Aids are not cheap at all, and they need proper care as they are very fragile too. This complex, delicate miracles of technology regulate in situations that are nowhere close to ideal state which is, the inner portion of our tear ducts where they are exposed to moisture and earwax. If you clean them regularly and maintain them with ease, you can easily take care of them, and they will surely have a long-term life. Below, are some ways to how to take care of Hearing Aids:-
Store in a Dark Place Having No or Less Moisture –
You must understand that hearing aids come with very sophisticated technology which is inscribed into a small covering. If this technology gets exposure and comes into contact with moisture, it can be severely damaged. Though hearing aids are mostly being made as water-friendly, it is still suggested that you discard them while you are taking a bath or swimming. If the hearing aid gets into contact with water, make sure to dry them as soon as possible with the help of a dry towel. Don’t try to heat them with a hairdryer as they generate higher heat. Thus, it can damage the hearing aid.
Change the Batteries Regularly –
If you don’t change your hearing aid batteries regularly, it can even damage the hearing aid. The cells can become corroded due to the captured moisture, and it can result in damage to your hearing aid. Always remove the battery when you are not using the hearing aid for a few days. And before putting back the batteries, always clean the patch before putting it back. So gently swab them down with the help of cotton putting it back. Dirty cells can create unhappy circumstances for you. For people with dexterity issues, changing batteries can be a chore, so hearing aids that are rechargeable are a great option.
Keep Your Devices, Earwax Free –
We all know how much earwax can be harmful to hearing aids. Sadly, we can’t stop them, so always clean your aids before putting it back on time to time. After every day of removing hearing aids, use a soft toothbrush or dry cotton swab to gently remove the wax or collect debris, which may still be lying on the device. Always cleanse both the receiver and the microphone.
Wax Filter, regularly –
You should occasionally renew the wax filter along with eliminating earwax from the hearing aid. The screen keeps wax from entering the innermost parts of the device and harming them. It must be performed in times when you start to see accumulation over the filter. It is crucial to note that not every tool uses similar filters. Your regional hearing aid provider may instruct you one that you can use and then show you the alteration for your particular device.
Fragile. Handle with Care –
Though hearing devices are far more robust than they were in the past, still they are delicate. Always be more secure while carrying them. Whenever you’re changing the device batteries, keep them in the dry towel. When you are not using them, keep them away and in a safe place.
Clean Them Regularly –
Cleaning the hearing aids regularly will help you in many ways. They can help you to make your device most lasting, and if you regularly service them from a professional, it will benefit you more. Schedule your routine to clean your device between every four to six months so you can check if everything is working fine or not.
Some Things You Must Do in Your Home –
- Keep Your Hearing Aid in a well-defined shape.
- Hearing Aids are very fragile, so handle them with care.
- Before touching or taking off hearing aids, wash your hands.
- Keep them away from moisture, somewhere in a dark and dry place away from kids.
- Switch off the hearing aids when they aren’t in use.
- Occasionally clean the battery contacts and peel off any noticeable earwax or residue with a neat cloth
- Alter wax guards and filters to eliminate wax and muck that may prevent sound integrity.
- A regular slate appointment with the hearing expert for skilled wiping
- Avoid wearing hearing aids while swimming or in the shower and also when you are using a hairdryer.
Tools for Hearing Aids
While these tools can be purchased online or at most drug stores, consult first with the hearing healthcare provider to find out which tools are best for your particular hearing aids.
Cleaning brush for Hearing aid:
The end tip is a soft brush, which is meant for cleaning the faceplate, body, and sound port of the hearing device. Most of these brushes are accompanied with the removal tool as well so that you can easily clean them.
Wax pick:
Wax pick is also referred to as a wire loop and can easily remove dirty items and wax from the holes and nooks of the hearing device.
This is a useful multipurpose tool and is versatile because it not only has a brush but a wax loop as well. This combination eases the cleaning process.
When Should You Visit A Professional
When cleaning the hearing aid, you need to follow the advice of the hearing aid provider. The hearing aid caretakers come with vacuums specially designed to meet the purpose of removing wax. Moreover, they are experienced in the field of cleaning these so they can easily clean all the microphone screens, receivers, windscreens, and vents too.
It is natural for a hearing aid to need some amount of professional service from time to time. As a result, the hearing aids are often given out in the market with repair coverage and warranties. Any hearing aid exposed to the surrounding environment factors will eventually be affected in a negative way that can hurt the performance inclusive of earwax, moisture, and dirt. Devices such as Invisible in the canal (IIC) and in the ear (ITE) are the most prone to ear wax. Hearing aids that are worn continuously will also be prone to damage owing to water, sweat, and physical dirt. If you take proper care of the hearing aids, they will need minimal professional repairs. It will also contribute towards improving performance and keeping sound quality high.
You can always reach out to the hearing care professional for extra help regarding the special attention to your hearing aid. If you ever feel confused, do not worry because the professionals are there at your rescue.