Trapped in the daily rigors of today’s life, one may find herself getting tired too easily or being super inactive on a busy workday. Staying fresh and keeping your brain active may be the hardest thing to do these days.
And while trying to get through the day, you might often forget to give yourself an energy boost and lose all your vigor as a result. While this could be due to overwork or stress, the fact that with age, our brain starts to lose its ability to process information as well as in its younger years, remains inevitable.
There is always a solution
It doesn’t have to be that way. There are possibly hundreds of things you can do to boost your brain power and feel fresh and active throughout the day. One of the ways that you can use to provide energy to your brain and body is the consumption of protein supplements like vega protein, amino acids, etc. These supplements help your body get all the essential nutrients it needs to be stay energetic. They also boost your immune system. There is always a natural solution if you want to avoid supplements then herbal green tea can also provide you with overall health benefits.
However, if you wish to adopt natural ways to increase your brain power and give yourself an energy kick, here is what you should do:
A sweaty start to the day can actually go a long way
As mainstream as it may sound, one of the best things you can do to give your body an all-rounder positive effect is exercise. When you exercise, certain chemicals are released by the brain that help promote overall neural health and also enhance your learning process.
Numerous studies and researches have also established a directly proportional and positive link between exercise and physical and mental health. The evidence collected from these studies strongly suggest that exercise works as a strong promoter of cognitive health in humans.
It doesn’t only counter age-related loss of brain tissue but also affects the structural health of specific areas of the brain. This, in turn, helps keep you fresh and active even on a tiring day.
So try to incorporate at least 20 minutes or moderate physical exercise in your routine because you need some vigorous movement to stay fit mentally and physically.
Don’t sleep too much or too less; aim for just right
While sleeping is a must part of your day, irrespective of any benefits associated it, it is definitely a lot more than just a requirement. Getting your daily beauty sleep is extremely beneficial for your overall health.
According to research, getting an average amount of sleep of around 7-8 hours helps boost your brain power and also prevents laziness and drowsiness throughout your day.
Sleep deprivation is detrimental to your body and brain and only results in sluggish mental activity. According to a study conducted on sleep deprivation, a single lie-in is all you need to replenish the brain and increase your levels of attention, activity, alertness and energy.
Meditate your way through excellent health
As a widely used form of relaxation and contemplation, meditation has been proven to lead to physiological changes in the brain. According to the results of a study, the size of the core areas of the brain increase due to meditation. It positively impacts our memory, improves our ability to handle stress , increases resilience, and overall energy.
It also helps activate the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is an area responsible for advanced performance and thinking abilities.
According to a study published in Psychiatry Research, a particular style of meditation that focused on awareness of feelings, sensations and the states of mind led to decreased stress and anxiety. It also completely enhanced the area of the brain associated with memory and learning.
In a nutshell, meditation changes the structure of the brain and boosts those areas that have to do with self-awareness, focus and memory. All these together create a positive effect that helps us stay refreshed and revitalized.
Sing along to your favorite song
Who doesn’t enjoy listening to her favorite piece of music in the car, maybe en route work or back home? Or perhaps, just plug in your headphones while you walk to your college.
Listening to music evokes great responses in the form of brain stimulation. According to research, our brain responds to the varying frequencies of pitch, sound and tone of different kinds of music. It further results in positive and beneficial effects on the mood, blood pressure and heart rate.
According to numerous studies that have been conducted on the effects of music, listening to music and enjoying it while exercising or driving, for example, your brain is likely to get aroused and your level performance also improves. Besides, isn’t listening to your favorite Coldplay song or Lady Gaga’s likely to boost your mood and give you a dose of freshness and energy?
Change your environment to help change your brain
Learn a new language, read a new book, update your music playlist, try a new recipe for dinner, go to a different restaurant for lunch, take a different route to work one day or just take a vacation.
These kinds of changes in your life will keep your mind and brain occupied in a way that you won’t feel stressed out, dull or inactive.
Because when you challenge your brain by doing something out of the ordinary, it gets stimulated in the process. This stimulation results in brain restructuring which creates new neural pathways in the brain and boosts your brainpower. You are also likely to stay energetic and fresh when you learn and discover new things because it can excite you to great levels and give you a burst of energy and motivation to do things and create new environments.
So, the next time you start feeling dull, lazy and inactive, or perhaps you feel your brain isn’t performing up to its set standards, try doing one or all of the above mentioned tips. You will definitely feel noticeable and significant differences in your overall performance and energy levels.
ABOUT Alycia Gordan
Alycia Gordan is a freelance writer. She loves to read and write article related to health and lifestyle, sometime on health-tech as well. She is crazy about chocolates and you can find her on Twitter: @meetalycia