Improve Your Health to Improve Your Performance at Work

Improve Your Health to Improve Your Performance at Work

If you are finding it more difficult than ever to get through your work day, it might be time to give your physical and mental health a tune up. After all, it can be hard to be successful in your career if you are constantly tired, feeling stressed out and fighting off every bug that comes along.

Fortunately, there are a number of tangible ways that you can boost your mental and physical health, which in turn can lead to greater success at work. For example, check out the following suggestions:

Know the Facts

There are a number of life events that can negatively impact your emotional health, and they range from good to bad — from the birth of a baby to death or divorce. As Family Doctor notes, these emotional stressors can also have a definite impact on your physical health and may manifest in the form of high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, headaches and more. To stay as physically healthy as you can, improve your emotional health.

First, recognize what is bothering you and let your loved ones know your feelings. If necessary reach out to a doctor, counselor or religious advisor. Focus on the things that you are grateful for, and try not to obsess over the things you cannot control. Take care of your body by making sure you are getting enough rest and exercising regularly; for example, consider going for walks during breaks and packing a healthy lunch instead of grabbing fast food with your co-workers.

Work on Your Diet

It’s hard to be your best at work when your body is fueled by a lot of sugar and other empty calories. In addition to finding ways to improve your emotional health, focus on eating healthy meals and snacks that will give your body and brain the fuel they need to make it through long days at the office. For example, Amway’s Facebook page is a great source for healthy smoothie recipes that are tasty and energizing — the “Banamored” smoothie will kickstart your day with its combo of Nutrilite Protein Powder, banana, pear, chia seeds, yogurt and milk of your choice. Rather than a bowl of sugary cereal, try Amway’s recipe for a pumpkin smoothie bowl filled with pumpkin puree, banana, Nutrilite protein powder, cinnamon and nutmeg and plenty of toppings like granola and diced apples.

Take Specific Supplements

In addition to trying to eat as healthily as possible, certain vitamins, minerals and other supplements can help keep you on an even keel. As notes, keep your gut happy and healthy by taking probiotic supplements like acidophilus, and if your job keeps you inside for much of the day, supplement with vitamin D. This essential nutrient, which you can also get from exposure to sunlight, has been found to reduce the symptoms of depression, increase your strength and may improve bone health. A B-50 complex may help to ward off feelings of stress and anxiety and immune system boosters like vitamin C and garlic can help you to fight off colds and the flu.

When choosing which supplements to buy, WebMD suggests checking the labels to be sure they contain certain vitamin seals of approval., NSF Internationals and U.S. Pharmacopeia are independent organizations that test the supplements to be sure they contain what the labels say and if the products are up to their high standards.

Improved Health = Improved Performance at Work

By devoting the time to take care of yourself — both your emotional and physical health — you should start to notice an improvement with the way you feel at work. A well-rested, nourished and emotionally stable body will perform much better in the office, which will lead to greater career success.