Male Circumcision and Prostate Cancer – A Significant Research

Circumcision and Prostate cancer hand

‘Male circumcision might just be a big reason for prostate cancer prevention, if performed after an age of 35’. A recent research at University of Montreal and INRS-Institi-Armand-Frappier has shown a significant report that shows that men getting circumcised after the age of 35 have 45% low risk of developing prostate cancer in future.

A number of researches, including various trials conducted in the past for effect of circumcision in prevention of HIV in Uganda, and other studies taking place in different parts of the world have shown contradicting results. Yet, the results have lead to further studies and none have been disclaimed completely.

This study of Montreal University is based on similar findings; study that interviewed 2114 men living on the Island of Montreal. Almost half of this group of men had prostate cancer during 2005 and 2009, while the other half of these men were to participate in the control group. The question they went through were related to their medical history, lifestyle, and if they had been circumcised or not, and if yes then at what age.

What is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is a disease of the prostate, a gland of the male reproductive system. The cancer cells of the prostate mutate at a speedy rate and later, multiply to an uncontrollable rate. These cells might even spread from the prostate to other parts of the body as well.

Why the Number of Black Men in the List of Prostate Cancer Patients is less?

Black men are generally reported to develop prostate cancer three times more than general population, but they are missing from the researches and studies.

The Problem? Across the board, various trials were based on black men. For instance, the trial in Uganda that lead to circumcising adult males was for the prevention of HIV, and then, 11 % of these participants were less likely to develop a prostate cancer in future.

Although, the size of the reduction in prostate cancer is not statistically reported or documented, but this percentage shows what has been said in the studies. While, according to the similar research, babies who were to get circumcised before the age 1, were 14% less likely to develop prostate cancer.

Moreover, the removal of the foreskin of penis even at young age is great for protection for a long term. And when adult male are circumcised, the advantages include protection against aggressive forms of cancer and diseases, especially sexually transmitted.

A significant reflection of this statistic comes from the Muslim and Jewish men, majority of them are circumcised and show the rarest number of prostate cancer patients. Yet, the cause of the cancer is unknown, but the risk factors and the severity of this cancer have been identified; family history, aging, and Black African ethnic origin seems to be more dominant.

The study was conducted on a group of white and black men, almost 178 blacks of this study had a risk of prostate cancer 1.4 times more than the whites. Almost 30 % of black men were circumcised as compared to the 40% white men, and interestingly, the protection effect of circumcision was limited to the Black men – while their risk of developing prostate cancer also decreased by 60%.

The Circumscribing Discovery

The finding of the research statistically states that circumcision mechanism enables the protection of prostate cancer in men. Circumcision Center Procedures is equally responsible in bringing this awareness in men and in performing more adult circumcisions, thus showing how this procedure reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases as STI.

Just how our body skin covers various capillaries and other layers of skin, similarly the foreskin of the penis consists of majorly non-keratinized mucosal epithelium that is easily penetrated by microbes which cause infections. Removing the top of the skin, therefore, could simply reduce the risk of infections that might bring prostate cancer into the light.

The study of circumcision and the protective effect of removing the foreskin in Black men although still need a confirmation by other researches, but for now this conclusion is presented on consideration of the procedure tested on the number as specified above.