Practical Ways to Live Pain-Free

Practical Ways to Live Pain-Free

Are you sick and tired of living in pain each and every day? Or, maybe you are pain free but live a strenuous lifestyle of physical activity and work and you are dreading the day when pain may keep you down. That is the mindset of looking down the road years from now and visualizing what life may look like given your current lifestyle of activity.

Your body is yours and you have one chance to take care of it. What you put into it and how what you expect out of it will determine how it reacts and treats you years from now. How you treat your body today will mix with what your genetics determine and then tell you how you will live years from now; so, it is important to treat your body with the utmost respect!

With all of that said, there are some practical ways that you can adopt today to help you live a pain free lifestyle both now and also in the future. These techniques will play a large role in how you treat your body and how it treats you years from now: so, listen up.

1. Life heavy weights once in a while

Although you do not always want to put maximum strain on your body and of course overloading your body is the wrong approach on a consistent basis, you do want to lift heavy weights a couple times a week. Lifting heavy things allows nerve stimulation that helps the muscles to grow in strength. More nerve and muscle stimulation equals more body growth and regeneration.

2. Get your heart rate up on a regular basis

In addition to lifting heavy objects or weights a couple times a week, it is also important to challenge the heart rate an a frequent basis. That does not mean to max out your heart rate and cause overload, it means to get it up (above 130 beats per minutes, but not over 160 beats per minute) regularly to enjoy the benefits of improve circulation, burning fat, and improving cardiovascular health: get the heart pumping!

3. Eat your fruits and veggies (especially greens)

Eating too much is a bad thing for our bodies and can cause weight gain and ultimately destroy the joints. However, eating lots of fruits and vegetables provides a ton of micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals) compared to the caloric intake and also provides a lot of fiber to give that full feeling. In addition, both fruits and veggies help the body recover from inflammation and heal it over time as compared to other foods…so these are the best types of things to consume in large quantities on a daily basis.

4. Move, move, and then move some more every day

Although I have already discussed lifting heavy weights and getting the heart rate up and above 130 beats per minute on a frequent basis, it is also important to simply move as much as possible on a daily basis. Get physical activity through working, playing, cleaning the house, chasing the kids, and etc…keeping the body moving in different directions allows balance and avoiding of putting the strain on one area of the body for too long (such as the lower back while sitting in a slouched position all day): so move it!


You have one chance to take care of your body during your life and it is important to treat it with respect. What you put into your body and what you expect out of it largely depends on your lifestyle today. If you take the time to take care of your body and use these tips that are practical, you will have an excellent chance at living a pain-free life and minimizing any pain that may already be pre-existing.

Have some suggestions, additions, or things to say in general about these ways to live pain-free? Think something else is more practical and worth the time to talk about? Leave your comments below and we will get to discussing immediately.