As far as debilitating pain goes, back pain is amongst the worst. Suffering from severe back pain sometimes means you will struggle to move properly, if at all, and every movement you do try to make can be agony. Some back pain leads to having to take time off work; this can have longer lasting effects depending on the severity of the situation, and potentially involves losing money if you are self-employed. Some back pain can make it hard or impossible to play with your children or grandchildren or enjoy the simple pleasures in life. There are many different reasons for back pain, and in order to find the right cure for you, it’s important to know why you are suffering.
Our lifestyles can have a serious impact on our health, and our backs often bear the brunt of our way of working, sleeping, and living in general. Take working at a desk for eight or more hours a day, for example. If you don’t sit up straight and you slouch most of the time, then your back will start to curve. When you stand up straight, this can cause pain. A similar thing happens when you wear high heels regularly; there is a lot of strain put on your back which is kept in an unnatural position. These day to day occurrences can collectively have a negative impact in the long-term, so it is sometimes worth asking yourself if wearing heels is necessary. Ensuring you get a good night’s sleep, and sleep in a comfortable position, is also important.
Being overweight takes a terrible toll on your joints, muscles, and bones, due to the day to day activities that can lead to stress and strain. Losing weight will ease the pressure on your joints and bones, making them a lot less painful and resulting in fewer injuries. If your back pain doesn’t get any better after losing weight, or if it is causing you major distress it is best to get advice from an expert such
Stress has a lot to answer for; it leads to muscle tension in the back, the neck, and the shoulders. A good massage can often help to reduce this problem, but that won’t address the underlying issues that are causing the stress in the first place. If it is a long-term problem, then speaking to a therapist, or even a friend or family member can certainly ease the tension and make back pain a thing of the past (assuming it is caused by stress).
Further Spinal Problems
If the pain you are experiencing directly relates to a problem with your spine, it could one of a few conditions that cause this kind of pain and mobility issues. A herniated or slipped disc can cause serious pain in your back, for example. This occurs when the soft tissues between the discs in your spine have moved out of place and are usually caused by simple wear and tear rather than an accident of some kind. The pain comes because these discs press against your nerves in your hip or lower back.
Being diagnosed with bulging discs is another reason you experience back pain. When your discs are bulging, it means that the soft tissue hasn’t yet slipped out, rather that it may do at any time. You may not feel pain at all times with this condition, but rather you’ll only feel it when the ‘bulge’ nudges against a nerve. Pinched nerves (otherwise known as cervical radiculopathy) can be another problem caused by a herniated disc. When the discs in your spine shrink, tear or wear away this is called degenerative disc disease, and it is extremely painful. You are left with bones rubbing together, making mobility a serious problem. Spinal stenosis is another issue that occurs due to age and is more prevalent in those over 60 rather than an accident or injury. If you have this, your spinal canal has narrowed over time which puts added pressure on your legs and shoulders which are likely to feel numb. If you have an undiagnosed back problem then seeing a GP is the best option for you; they will be able to determine whether any of the above conditions are what is causing you trouble and they will be able to recommend a course of treatment which will usually involve surgery.
Accidents and Injuries
Accidents and injuries including car accidents, strains, falls, sprains, and fractures can all cause intense back pain. These can be extremely serious, and it is best to seek immediate medical attention in order to keep the back as safe as possible. Fractures of the spine or vertebrae can be caused if you land awkwardly in a sporting event, or if you are hit in the back by a heavy object, for example. It may also occur if you suffer from osteoporosis as this condition weakens the bones. Strains and sprains may happen when the ligaments, muscles, or tendons are damaged. This can cause rather dilapidating back pain and is often the result of trying to lift something that is too heavy using the wrong lifting process. Lifting something heavy and twisting at the same time means that an injury like this is extremely likely to happen. For those who play a lot of sports or perhaps use weights at the gym, the warm-up is a massively important part of the entire routine. Skipping this can cause big problems, and that includes suffering from back spasms. Spasms happen when the muscles and tendons are torn.
Other Reasons
There are other medical conditions that can cause problems with your back and result in back pain. It will depend on what is the cause as to how you are able to treat it, which is why it is important to have an understanding of what might be causing it as early as possible. Arthritis is one such problem, and it can spread from the back to the hips, knees, and ankles, as well as the hands. Pregnancy can have a serious impact on the health of your back as well.