Should You Trust a High Street Shop for Botox?

Should You Trust a High Street Shop for Botox?

Botox is very much a commonplace treatment that you’ll find in most beauty clinics and if administered correctly, it can provide wonderful results for patients that can make a big difference in their appearance. But now with the demand for non-surgical cosmetic treatments more popular than ever before, high-street chains like Superdrug are now offering Botox in-store.

The question is, is it safe to have Botox so freely available outside of the traditional setting of a beauty clinic. Are there advantages and disadvantages of getting Botox on the high-street? It’s a topic that’s divided audiences and that’s no surprise. If you’re considering Botox, here’s some advice to help you weigh up your options.

Qualified Experts

Unlike a reputable Harley Street cosmetic clinic, like Revere Clinics, who have professionals with years of experience, the same cannot be guaranteed with the treatments you’d get in these high street stores. These surgeons and doctors who are well practiced in the field of cosmetic surgery, whether that be invasive or non-invasive, will likely have their own practice.

If you do go with a high street Botox injection, check the provider’s medical qualifications and whether they are on the Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners register. Also make sure that the location of the treatment is acceptable.

Patient Care

Botox clinics in London, usually start off with a lengthy consultation to make sure that the treatment you want is right for you. It’s likely to be in a relaxed and private setting, away from the hustle and bustle. But Superdrug’s version of this would be a private room within the store. There’s nothing wrong with this, providing the space passes all the health and safety checks. However, unlike a clinic, the service is likely to be less personable.

It’s aim after all is to reach the masses and therefore you might feel rushed to make a decision. It may also feel like you are just another number and when it comes to your care, this isn’t something that should be taken lightly. Many surgeons have also backed this concern over whether this quick and easily accessible process gives patients adequate time to reflect on what they want.

Regular Appointments

Many patients who get Botox, often return later on for more treatment. However, this treatment shouldn’t be considered as regular as getting an eyebrow or leg wax. It’s important, especially for new patients, that having more procedures should be regulated and the collation and documenting of patient records might not be as well managed in a high street store than in a clinic.

Revere Clinics, one of Europe’s foremost Cosmetic Dermatology and minimally invasive cosmetic clinics, is a reputable choice when seeking the best Botox treatment in London. Although the high street may be a quicker and more affordable option, Botox isn’t a beauty product like a new mascara or nail varnish. One of the worrying aspects of Superdrug’s offer is the Botox cost, something many experts within the field have questioned, even with some stating they’re unable to attain the product at that cost.

Botox is a medical service which shouldn’t be undervalued. It does come with risks, like most cosmetic procedures and so for ease of mind, it’s always best to approach the best clinics for this treatment.