If you are a fitness or yoga freak, you probably are aware of the benefits of Surya Namaskar for weight loss. Well, there are other benefits too, but this is one of the most prominent ones.
Surya namaskar is a prevalent form of yoga. Almost everyone practices it. However, you will need to give some time to yourself to master Surya namaskar. One of the most important things to note about Surya Namaskar is that you will have a tough time if your body isn’t flexible.
What is Surya Namaskar?
Surya namaskar is also known as the sun salutation. It is one of the most prominent or basic yoga poses that can help to get several benefits. There are 12 different poses of yoga, and practicing it daily can significantly impact your physical and mental health.
Surya namaskar falls under the category of Power yoga poses. Furthermore, Surya Namaskar can also play an essential role in speeding up the process of weight loss. Many celebrities also take up the Surya namaskar weight loss challenge. If you’re a fitness freak, you too can take up the challenge and eventually notice the difference in your body in a few days.
Does Surya namaskar reduce belly fat?
The answer to your question is no. Surya namaskar is meant to burn fat around your body. Well, if you’re targeting to burn fat only around a particular section of the body, you should consider avoiding it.
None of the workouts can help to burn belly fat or any target region, for that matter. As per expert advice, it is crucial to manage the schedule and burn body fat accordingly. Well, Surya namaskar can bring you one step closer to your fitness journey. But, it can also help you lose weight.
Before you start using Surya namaskar for weight loss, it is necessary to understand the impact. You must bring a proper balance in your body. If your body isn’t accustomed to Surya Namaskar, there’s no way you’re going to lose weight.
Is Surya namaskar for weight loss?

If you’re into yoga and are looking for an ideal pose to lose weight, nothing can be better than Surya namaskar. Surya namaskar will help you lose weight even without stepping into the gym.
If you like working out within homes, then Surya Namaskar is just the right one for you. How much weight you lose by doing Surya namaskar depends on your posture and intensity. On average, one round of Surya namaskar helps to burn around 14 calories.
Before you indulge in the process of Surya namaskar for weight loss, it is advisable to meditate. Meditating helps to calm your nerves and brain, thereby helping you get into the process of this yoga activity. If your mental health improves, you will eventually notice a lot of changes in your body.
As per experts’ advice, one should consider doing around 12 reps of Surya namaskar. Depending on your strength and flexibility, you can eventually increase the number of reps too. It is advisable to hold every position carefully to lose weight. Surya namaskar for weight loss is all about posture. It is advisable to hold the position for some time, so the blood flows in your body increases.
Is it high-intensity?
Surya namaskar is one of the most powerful solutions for losing weight if you’re too busy. Surya namaskar follows the process of 12 postures. If you practice these postures accurately, you will be able to lose weight soon. Moreover, practicing Surya Namaskar daily also helps to improve flexibility in the body.
Surya namaskar is a highly intense workout. Therefore, it is for this reason that you need to warm yourself up. If you want to get the maximum weight loss benefits, you need to take up the Surya namaskar weight loss challenge. Moreover, doing yoga early in the morning can be beneficial for your physical and mental health.
What are the other benefits of Surya namaskar?
Apart from being known as sun salutation, Surya namaskar is also known as gratitude yoga. Doing Surya Namaskar will make you feel grateful for each passing day. Some of the common benefits of practicing Surya Namaskar daily include
- Improved mood and eventually positive mental health.
- Continuous blood circulation in the body.
- Helps to keep a check on blood and sugar levels.
- Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases
- Eases menstrual pain.
Why aren’t you losing weight despite Surya namaskar?
Even when you’re doing Surya namaskar regularly, there may be certain cases when you cannot lose weight. In situations like this, it is essential to determine what is best for you.
Some of the common reasons why you’re not able to lose weight despite practicing weight loss
You are targeting only one particular region
Surya namaskar is all about the twelve yoga poses. But, if you’re performing only the exercises that help you lose fat from any target region, it won’t help. So, if you’re searching for does Surya namaskar reduce belly fat? It doesn’t—Surya namaskar helps to reduce the overall body weight, as long as you’re doing it right.
Not holding the pose.
As per expert advice, you need to hold the pose while doing Surya namaskar. After every step, you need to take a break. Make sure to take three to four breaths while you’re in the holding position. Moreover, when you practice Surya namaskar at a slow pace, it becomes highly effective. Hence, the process of weight loss speeds up too. Your workout session is meant to be a relaxing one. Don’t just rush it.
Not enough repetitions
If you’ve been practicing Surya Namaskar for quite some time, you will need to increase the number of repetitions. As per expert advice, to boost the weight loss process, one needs to increase the number of repetitions. If you do not have enough repetitions and stick to your old schedule, you will never benefit.
Final Thoughts
Surya namaskar is all about being dedicated and committed. If you want to follow Surya Namaskar for weight loss, you need to be ready to follow a healthy lifestyle. The small changes in your daily schedule from eating healthy to living healthy can also assist in weight loss.