The Importance of Brain Exercises With Dementia

brain exercises for dementia

Most support advice on people with dementia includes some mention of the importance of brain exercises for dementia. That is because dementia has a neurological component, that impairs memory, processing, and cognitive abilities. Helping a loved one with dementia with activities that keeps their brain active has a number of benefits. It helps them feel confident because they can think about things on their own.

These are common activities in an assisted living facility, but you can do them at home as well. Learn more about the importance of brain exercises when you or a loved one has dementia, and get some ideas for them right here.

The Science

Brain exercises for dementia patients are important, for both social and physical reasons. One study indicates that cognitive function improves in dementia patients after one to three months of treatment that included brain exercises. This is just one of many studies that have examined the impacts of brain exercises on dementia patients.

When dementia patients experience success with cognitive function on any day, this s critical to having a good day. That is because most of their days will have moments when they feel they can’t think like a human at all anymore. For those with mild to moderate stages of dementia, brain exercises can be so fulfilling and help to keep the cognitive wheels moving. Brain exercises that are done for about 45 minutes twice weekly will help them with their overall cognitive functioning.

Many studies will show that brain exercises reduce brain cell damage, supports new nerve cell growth, and helps neurons communicate with each other effectively and quickly.

Brain Exercises Can Even Delay Long-Term Memory Loss

There is no cure for dementia or diseases such as Alzheimer’s, so to say that brain exercises will cure dementia isn’t accurate. They do help in treatment though. Not only do they offer a confidence boost in the day, but they may also delay the onset of long-term memory loss.

This is the case for any human. When we keep our brains active, we stay alert as humans, even when we are having a bad day. Implementing activities like games or puzzles a few times a week can help delay long-term memory loss. Aerobic exercises can also make a difference. Some studies show improvement in dementia patients that last as long as five years.

This helps dementia patients manage money longer, keep rooms and homes tidier longer, and take care of themselves the way they want to do.

Examples of Brain Activities

Examples of brain exercises for you or your loved ones can include anything that keeps your mind active. Think of things like puzzles, crosswords, sudoku, and board games are all great suggestions. Find activities that you like, or that your loved one likes, and it won’t feel like you are subjecting yourself to therapy when you do them.

You can do so many things as brain exercises that function as therapy but aren’t therapy at all. Teams in any assisted living facility can help you with ideas on activities. Learning a new language, picking up an instrument, or even learning to sing a certain way can help the brain move a little quicker for dementia patients.

Learn More With Brain Exercises

If you or a loved one is suffering from dementia, think of ways you can bring brain exercises into your life in order to help. It will feel good, and you might even have fun.