Tips on how to maintain a fitness routine

Tips on how to maintain a fitness routine

So you have set yourself a goal to get fit and now you need to maintain that routine in order to see results. Staying motivated is often the key to your success with a fitness goal. If you can stay focussed and see results you are more likely to maintain your routine. These tips should be able to get you on track and keep you on track as you see the results from your commitment.

  1. Set realistic goals

Once you have decided on a routine you need to set yourself some goals. Don’t immediately jump to a huge weight loss like 10kg but choose your first goal as 2kg. Or set a goal of jogging 500 metres without stopping as a starting point. As you reach each small goal you will feel a sense of achievement and you won’t get demoralised.

  1. Make it part of your schedule each day

Try to make your fitness routine a normal part of your day. Add to your daily planner so you can see it each day and act on it. It will soon become second nature to complete and you just see it as a part of your usual day.

  1. Go to the gym everyday for 2 months

This is a way of getting yourself into a routine that you will stick with. It will become second nature to head off to the gym.

  1. Keep a diary

Use a diary to set your goals and write down each achievement. This way you can see at a glance what progress you are making. You will also be able to see if a certain exercise does not work for you. For example, you might have started a boxing class  but have not really seen any extra results so it is time to choose something else and see if that can offer you a result.

  1. Choose the right time to exercise

Not everyone wants to exercise at the same time. Pick a time, morning, afternoon or evening, whatever suits you and stick to that time. You may need to adjust it so you have time on the equipment at the gym or in order to take in a particular class.

  1. Get a workout buddy

Sometimes the best motivation is a friend who trains with you. This way you are able to keep each other motivated and buoyed up when you feel a bit down about lack of results. It then becomes a social event as well as a fitness routine.

  1. Take it slow

Don’t rush in and expect to be able to run for miles or bench press your own weight. Apart from causing an injury you will get demoralised quickly and give up. Start with a couple of classes and ask for help from the gym trainers. They will set a program for you that will see you steadily improving your fitness and strength that will be easy to maintain.

  1. Add variety

Doing the same exercise day after day can be become really monotonous and we become bored very quickly. By doing a variety of exercises you will stay focussed and achieve your goals. Go bike riding instead of jogging, do a Pilates class instead of a cardio class. This will keep your interest up as well as see you achieve results. Get some nice working out clothes. Compression clothes protect your body and can look really cool if you choose something unique. Even something as simple as mowing the grass or joining a sporting club is all part of a fitness routine. Whatever gets your heart pumping counts as exercise!

  1. Get a personal trainer

By getting a personal trainer, if only for a few months, you will be getting right on track and know what needs to be done to get results. A personal trainer is a great motivator and will show you just what you are capable of doing, even when you are sure that there is no way you could run another step or do another burpie!

Above all else don’t be too hard on yourself. If you have missed a few days for whatever reason, just get back in there and start again. Don’t give yourself a big guilt trip about having a week off because your Mum came to visit.