Tips to Choose the Right Female Incontinence Pads for Your Needs

Female Incontinence women discussing

By far, incontinence pads happened to be the incontinence product that is most widely available in the market and commonly used. These allow you to be discreet and offer a lot of conveniences. Those for females come with an absorptive core is more advanced than female sanitary pads. These pads can hold more urine than standard cotton pads that are inserted into innerwear. These generally, come with polymer cores and can hold 4 – 5 times fluid of its own weight. When worn, these feel like gel – and patients do not have to suffer the ‘wet’ sensation related with urinary incontinence.

Get some useful tips on how to choose the best female incontinence pads for your needs.

1. Check the Level of Incontinence: You have to choose one that matches your level of incontinence. It will ensure that you are always free and safe from potential embarrassments for a longer time. If you have light to moderate release, you can choose light variants. However, if you have heavier bladder release during the daytime, it is important to go for a high absorbent pad. Many incontinence products on the package surface mention the volumes of leak or incontinence level that pads can manage.

2. Look for Pads of an Appropriate Size: The female incontinence pads that you buy should match your specific body structure.

  • Measure the area around the waist and hips; choose one size bigger to get pads of an ideal size. Keep in mind that it is important to spot the right size. Too small sized pads will be unable to serve your needs and too large sized ones can be very uncomfortable.
  • The length and the width of these pads vary with the level of absorbency, as well as the size. Although, some women like wider pads in order to be safer, others like to use narrower pads that are more comfortable. Comfort is vital, as you might need to wear these pads all day long.

3. Choose Pads that come with Odor Control Design: Those with odor free design allow control of the bad smells emanating from the leaked urine. Keep in mind that these odor-free pads for incontinence patients do not just have fragrance added to them. These are helpful given that added fragrance can result in allergies in some patients, especially those with sensitive skin.

4. Look at the Efficiency: The market abounds in many helpful incontinence products. There is incontinence underwear, panties, and briefs designed especially and these come with plenty of variations for women who need additional leakage protection from urinary incontinence. These come in many wonderful styles resembling standard undergarments and briefs. These combine functionality and efficiency. Whether reusable or disposable, these types of products are important for the women those who suffer from light to heavy incontinence. You would like to consider whether you want disposable or reusable pads.

5. Consider the Style: It is not that female incontinence pads have to be boring in design and style. These pads often come in different designs. Look at every detail of the incontinence pad that you are buying and the features it comes with before you buy it. The ones that are disposable are not costly and happen to be one of the most economical, yet convenient products. These secure post micturition dribble and ensure dryness in the patients suffering from the minor incontinence. These act as the first line of defense for the patients suffering from the moderate to heavy leaks. You can combine these pads with incontinence pants or briefs for optimal absorption and protection.

Female Incontinence pads checking

Therefore, by following these tips you can choose the right female incontinence pads for your needs.