Unusual Ways to Lose Weight

Lose Weight woman stretching

We learned that dieting and working out are the key to losing weight. That might be true, but that’s no fun at all! Did you know that there are many other ways you can boost your weight loss and even have some fun in the process? Well, here are five unconventional ways you can lose weight, so try to incorporate them in your daily weight-loss plan.

Go to the park

If you’re tired of going to a stuffy gym to do your regular workout routine, try hitting the park instead. Call your friends and you can organize a friendly Frisbee competition, soccer game or baseball match. When it’s colder, you can switch a park for a bowling alley or a ping pong table. They are equally fun, and you will burn some serious calories. If your friends aren’t free to hang out, take your dog. You can throw some ball, play Frisbee or have a tug-of-war. It’s a great bonding time, and we guarantee you will at least break some sweat.

Lose Weight man throwing frisbies

Sleep more

Sleeping is everyone’s favorite activity, but who knew it can help you lose weight. Experts connect sleeping with a healthier lifestyle, diet and consequentially with better fitness levels. If you’re sleep deprived, you have a much higher chance of breaking the rules of your diet and workout plan, and succumbing to unhealthy snacks and drinks. So, next time you feel sleepy, just go and have a nap. You’ll be doing both your mind and your body a favor, and one day you will just wake up fit.

See also  Simple and Proven Tips to Lose Weight Quickly

Dance, dance, dance

Next time you’re in the club, leave that sugary cocktail and hit the dance floor instead. It doesn’t matter if you’re a great dancer, or if you have two left feet, dancing will undoubtedly raise your heartbeat and you will burn some calories. It can be salsa, hip hop or rave music; it doesn’t matter as long as it has an upbeat rhythm. If you stick to water for the rest of the night, you’ll have yourself a serious fat-burning workout. A tumble mat will allow you to dance in the comfort of your own home, you can have endless fun with these tumbling mats. So, let’s dance!

Lose Weight while skateboarding

Try skateboarding

If you like a little bit of adrenaline in your bloodstream, give skateboarding a try. You will not only lose some extra pounds, but you’ll also have so much fun in the process. If you ride a skateboard for 60 minutes a day, you can burn as much as 400 calories and the constant muscle tension will tone your muscles nicely. While skateboarding, your legs and core are working non-stop, either for propulsion or for balance, which makes skating a great muscle-building workout. You can ride cruiser skateboards to work, to the beach, even at night (there are glow-in-the-dark boards), so you can get your workout anywhere and anytime.

Lose Weight skateboard up against wall

Photograph everything you eat

For those of you who are obsessed with Instagram, this weight-loss trick will not be a bother at all. Taking photos of your food is an easy and efficient way of keeping track of what and how much you eat during the day. It’s better than writing it down because this way you can actually see all the food you consumed. Snap a photo of everything you eat for an accurate image (don’t skip that little snack or that chocolate bar.) Another good thing is that sometimes when you look at your portion through the lens, you can better see the size of it, and it will stop you from overeating. So, next time you have a meal, don’t hesitate to take a snap of it.

See also  Tips for Healthy weight Loss

Lose Weight take pictures of all food

Who said losing weight is only about cutting portions and hitting the gym. With these 5 tips and tricks, you will not only lose weight, but you’ll spend time with friends, get some fresh air, and have fun.  Incorporate these into your daily routine, and watch as your pounds melt.

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