Everyone has facial and body hair, but on some, it’s usually very fine and light in color. If it grows excessively to a point where it causes feelings of self-consciousness, one can remove it through various methods like over-the-counter treatments, among others.
Excess hair growth may be caused by a variety of reasons including genetics, certain abnormalities in body hormones, medications like steroids, and conditions of the endocrine system such as polycystic ovarian syndrome. Though there are several self-help methods of hair removal, it’s best to first consult a qualified hair removal doctor like Dr. James Andrews of San Jose, California. Outlined here are the most recommended methods of hair removal.
This method of hair removal is appropriate for most areas of the body. Shaving cuts down the hair to just below the skin surface. On growing back, the hair may have a rough texture but the rate of regrowth will be determined by the individual’s genetics. According to Dr. James Andrews of San Jose, California, some of the risks associated with shaving include superficial infection after cuts, skin irritation, and ingrown hairs.
Performed with tweezers or thin threads, plucking is ideal for small hair-bearing areas like the eyebrows or the face. Also known as threading, it’s safe and inexpensive but at the same time is uncomfortable and time-consuming. If used in areas with lots of hair, it can lead to scarring and ingrown hairs. Threaded hairs can take up to two months before growing back.
Depilation refers to the use of a chemical substance such as creams to remove hair. Although they are painless and time-saving, creams should not be applied over small cuts or injured skin. They are most effective when used after a bath, and it’ll take at least two weeks before hair grows back. One is advised to be careful when purchasing over-the-counter creams as some are meant for the face, while others are meant for pubic hair. Mixing the two might be disastrous. It’s also advisable to use them on a small area first before applying any widespread use.
Hot Waxing
This method involves applying a layer of wax on the area with unwanted hair and waiting for it to solidify. The wax is then forcefully pulled off, and the trapped hairs are removed. The procedure is considered successful if the hair comes out with the bulb still intact. It can be painful, and hair may break off leaving some behind. Risks include superficial burns and infection. In rare cases, the top layer of the skin may come off.
Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is considered one of the longest-lasting methods of hair removal. A laser beam set to the desired wavelength is used to destroy the hair bulb. The success of this procedure depends on many factors including the stage of hair growth, the hair location, the laser type, and treatment plan. A qualified hair removal expert will help determine the right wavelength for each individual. The risks associated with this method include post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation in the treated area.
This method can be painful and dangerous, and it, therefore, requires a trained professional to carry it out. Dr. James Andrews is highly knowledgeable with this hair removal procedure. Numbing creams can be used to reduce pain. Patients with pacemakers are not advised to undertake the procedure.