Which is the Best Manuka Honey Available in the USA

Which is the Best Manuka Honey Available in the USA

Manuka honey is a type of honey which is produced in New Zealand. This honey is produced by the bees which pollinates the manuka bush. This is popularly used for the treatment of different types of wound infections. Manuka honey is believed to have a very high nutritional content and also offers the wide range of health benefits. Not all types of honey created and available for use are equal. Mineral content of honey is measured by how conductive it is and Best Manuka honey is much more conductive then regular flower honey.  Since very long time honey is been used for the treatment of different medical issues and people gain several health benefits with the help of it.

Some of the best manuka honey is listed below

1) Airborne Manuka Honey

The Manuka flowers possess the capability to be used for the treatment of cold and fever. One can get a good amount of antioxidants and vitamins with the wild honey. And this combination of characteristics of manuka flower and honey makes the Manuka honey a perfect solution to deal with different medical conditions. Airbrone is a manuka honey brand which offers the purest form of manuka honey. The packaging of this honey is it’s another attractive feature, it usually comes in a large jar. This honey as very high pollen rating and naturally sweet as well. This can be the perfect honey for the one looking more natural and organic honey blend.

2) Taku Honey UMF 10+ Manuka Honey

Authentic Manuka honey is produced in New Zealand and this place is believed to have the very less polluted environment. The reason why bees thrive here so well because here they get the green environment in abundance and also a number of flowers consisting of medical benefits are available here. This honey is the purest form of Manuka honey and offers different healing properties. It has its own unique taste and famous across the world. It consists of lots of vitamins and health promoting ingredients as well. This honey is suitable to be consumed by different age group people but not for the infants especially those who are less than 1 year old.

3) Wild Cape UMF 15+ East Cape Manuka Honey

There are only few Manuka honey which contains UMF factor. This factor was created by the honey association to measure the amount of rich and active ingredients present in the honey and also know how pure honey is. As with the Wild Cape Manuka honey, you are getting high UMF rating you can be sure that you are getting a pure and safe form of honey which is of high quality. This honey comes in a very sweet and delicious taste which people really like. The best property of this honey is that it helps in treating sore throat and gives effective results to people in treating such health issues.

4) Kiva Certified UMF 20+

For the most powerful, effective and best Manuka honey, this can be the best choice. As this product comes with a very high UMF rating it is capable to offer very good healing benefits. This honey is harvested from the hives present in that area of New Zealand where Manuka scrub is found and grown in a very large scale. This honey is tested first and then it is packed for the sale. The mission of Kiva is to offer people with something which is innovative and tasty, offers a number of health benefits and is of high quality as well. It is a genuine product and available for sale only after it clears the entire test.

5) Manuka Doctor 24+ Bio Active Honey

After a long tiring day, this honey helps people to feel refreshed again. People after consuming it feels refreshed and energetic even if they had worked for long hours and had an intense workout session at the gym. This honey is best suited to be used with external cuts and wounds. Also, it can be used for the treatment of fever and cold. Other than health benefits people also use it as a superfood. It is used as a sweetener with different types of beverages as it consists of its own unique taste and flavors.

6) Wedderspoon’s Raw Premium Manuka Honey KFactor-16

This honey comes in its most natural form without any processing or addition or removal of any kind of constituents. It is available in the raw form, the company does not pasteurize the honey for selling it. With this honey, a k factor is associated which tells about the health benefits and other uses of this honey. K factors tell the amount of Manuka pollen present in honey. For example, a K-factor 16 suggests that 75% of pollen in the honey of the manuka flowers which makes the honey pure and original. This honey can be used for several different purposes like a beauty treatment, health treatment, home remedies and more.

7) Manuka Honey UMF15+ Eco-Friendly, Raw and Pure By Tahi

This honey is totally safe as Tahi bees are not given any kind of sugar syrups or chemicals. And because of this, these bees do not tend to pick up any kind of toxins which can be harmful to humans. This honey also comes in raw form as this is not pasteurized.  To maintain the characteristics of the honey in its natural form the honey is filtered minimally. The taste of this honey is sweet and has creaminess as well. This honey is a pure and safe to be used as no pollutant is present with it. It also has a good UMF rating.

8) Watson & Son MGO Manuka Honey

This honey is available in raw form also it is unfiltered. A person can get organic and pure honey with this. To ensure that a person’s health is completely safe, great care is taken with the production of this honey. It offers a smooth and delicious taste. The honey is collected by making use of most natural medium and has a lot of health benefits to offer. Though the price of this honey is quite high you can be assured of purity and high quality with this.