Yoga for Cervical Spondylosis and Neck Pain

Yoga for Cervical Spondylosis

Nowadays working in an office means sitting in one position for several hours. Doing this is affecting our health in a major way. The effect of wrong posture and lack of exercise is not only confined to our body. It is affecting in every mental, social and emotional way as well. Working overtime and sitting on improper chairs for the whole day leads to neck, cervical and shoulder problems.

The attrition and abrasion of the spine desk lead to cervical spondylosis. It is no longer true that these problems only affect elderly people. Nowadays, all adults who overwork suffer from similar issues. Chronic pain is the most important feature of frozen shoulders or cervical spondylosis.

Yoga works wonders for cervical spondylosis

There are not many medicines that can give you a guarantee to cure neck pain or cervical spondylosis. There are, however, a few yoga exercises that can work like magic to reduce such chronic pains. Let us go, through the following.

  1. Sun salutation or Surya Namaskar

If you are suffering from neck, cervical or shoulder pain, you should practice Surya Namaskar every day. However, you must make sure that you are practicing the correct postures as otherwise, it can cause adverse effects on your body. Doing Surya Namaskar properly will relieve you from neck, shoulder and cervical pain.

  1. Fish pose or Matsyasana

You can practice the fish pose to increase strength and flexibility across the entire spine or vertebral column. Matsyasana or fish pose works very well for people who spend long hours sitting in front of the computer. It relieves stress and also soothes pain due to cervical spondylosis.

  1. Cobra pose or Bhujangasana

Stiffness in your spinal cord means that you have already invited several ailments and pain along with an unfit body. All the signals from the brain to the body and vice versa runs through our spinal cords. Practicing Bhujangasana will make you more flexible and also remove stiffness in the shoulder and neck. As a result, you will find relief from cervical pains.

  1. Crocodile pose or Makarasana

The shape of our spinal cord depends highly on our posture and it may not be in a correct state even if we are unaware of it. You will be able to reduce nerve compression along the spinal cord if you practice Makarasana regularly. The crocodile poses also work well for people suffering from cervical spondylosis and neck pain.

  1. Infant’s pose or Bal- Shayanasana

If you are suffering from stress and body pain due to it, practice Shayanasana for the best results. Stress cannot just cause painful cervical spondylosis. Out of all other major effects, pain in the lower back is also very common. Workload and excessive stress are big problems but you must carve out some time from your busy schedule to focus on your health every day. it is extremely important to stay fit and then only will you be able to work more efficiently.

  1. Half-boat position or Ardha Naukasana

The half-boat pose works beyond neck and cervical pain. Practicing this yoga asana regularly will reduce all your chronic constipation and indigestion problems. Ardha Naukasana works well for Diabetic people as well. It is a part of basic yoga and anyone can master it with just a little practice.

  1. Half-locust poses or Ardha Salbhasana

A very basic yoga pose in which you bend backward gently works like nothing else to reduce problems of lumbago, cervical pain, and sciatica. You must perform Ardha Salbhasana regularly for the best results. Therefore, if you are suffering badly due to cervical spondylosis, it is high time you start practicing yoga for the better.

  1. Striking cobra pose or Shanshank Bhujangasana

The striking cobra pose is an advanced yoga asana and can help you withdraw from all the bad effects of an unhealthy lifestyle. It strengthens the body and increases your flexibility too. Cervical pains and other backaches will shoo away quickly if you can use this exercise.

  1. Elbow rotations or Kohni Chalana

It is very simple to do elbow rotations. You can even do it for a couple of minutes when you are sitting at work. It is a basic movement pose that makes the neck and shoulder more flexible. Kohni Chalana can also effectively prevent frozen shoulder, cervical spondylosis, and bursitis.

  1. Cat pose or Marjariasana

An advanced yoga pose, it is practiced mainly for spinal flexibility and smooth functioning of the vertebral column. If you have rigidity in the spine or constant pain in your neck, this yoga asana can be extremely helpful for you. Experts say that practicing Marjariasana is like a natural massage or therapy for the spinal cord.

Causes of cervical spondylosis

The following are the most common causes of cervical spondylosis

  • Ignorance of participation in physical exercises and incorrect postures
  • If you sleep with more than one pillow under your head. Using improper pillows can also cause spondylosis.
  • Working in front of computers at a stretch every day.
  • Not changing the sleeping position for a long time
  • Modern chairs that recline back. They are comfortable now but cause physical issues with longer use.

Symptoms of cervical spondylosis

  • Stiffness and pain in the neck
  • Continuation of the neck pain
  • Severe pain in the shoulder that reaches the chest
  • A numbing sensation in the limbs
  • Problems in doing everyday chores
  • Difficulty in reflex actions
  • Weakness in the lower portion of the body especially legs
  • Severe neck and shoulder pain leading to fever

How to prevent cervical spondylosis?

  • Do not indulge in pressure exercises and excessive jerking of the body. Try to avoid jumping and running.
  • Try to use wooden chairs instead of those reclining and rotating modern chairs.
  • When you are working in the office, try to get up every once in a while, and take a stroll. Do not stick to the same position for long hours at a stretch.

Final thoughts:

Now you know that most of our physical problems and chronic pains are the results of a sedentary lifestyle. Maintaining a work-life balance and exercising regularly can help you stay healthy and fit always.