You’ll Thank Yourself for Remembering These Tips While Shopping for a New Mattress

You’ll Thank Yourself for Remembering These Tips While Shopping for a New Mattress

You recently learnt from an article you chanced upon that there is a strong link between getting at least six hours of high-quality sleep and overall great health. You also learnt that one of the main factors affecting the quality of your sleep is the mattress on which you sleep, so since you take your health very seriously, you now want to shop for a new, good mattress.

A quick online search for mattresses and you’re inundated by a plethora of options, which leaves you feeling a bit overwhelmed. Well, you need not worry because this article outlines the basic tips you need to follow to be sure that you buy a top-quality mattress that will have you getting the best sleep you’ve had in a long time.

How do I buy the right mattress?

Start by doing some online research – There are numerous and varying opinions on what is the best mattress to sleep on. Find out what the sleep experts have to say. Some recommend firm mattress while some advise you to use a soft mattress. After reading up on a good amount of opinions and the facts supporting them, you’ll get an idea of what would work best for you.

Consult your doctor – Do you have serious health issues, such as joint pains, injuries or allergies? If so, you’re better off talking to your doctor and getting their advice before buying a new mattress. However, remember that doctors are medical professionals and not experts in mattresses. All the same, their input is important.

Don’t fall for gimmicks – Research prospective mattress sellers before buying a mattress. Don’t simply go for mattresses with a label that says ‘medically approved’ or ‘orthopedic’. By reading a review of Nectar Mattresses, for example, you can tell a good vendor by the way they market their mattresses solely on the products’ merits and not clever catchphrases.

The proof of the mattress is in the lying – Where possible, lie on the mattress you’re thinking of buying for a few minutes. Don’t let the salesperson rush you. Fight off the feeling of self-consciousness. A good mattress is a huge investment and you’re going to be spending about a third of you day on it. You can even test it out as a couple.

Try out all the variations and options – As you test mattresses, don’t be shy about asking the store attendant to show you various pillow top, plush and firm mattresses from the same brand. Ask for more of the type of mattresses you feel most comfortable with and keep testing them until you find the right one.

Decide whether or not pillow tops are for you – A pillow top mattress might be unnecessary for you if you are very lightweight because your body won’t compress the foam enough to reach its hard support system. Pillow tops might, however, be what you need for the best comfort if you’re a heavy person.

Protect your investment – Keep your mattress safe from stains and water by getting some form of mattress protector.


David Wicks has worked as a sales manager in the home furniture industry for 13 years and has written numerous articles and blog posts on topics related to bedroom furniture, as well as review of Nectar Mattresses among others.