10 Foods That Help You Build Muscle For Athletes While You Are In HCG Diet

10 Foods That Help You Build Muscle For Athletes While You Are In HCG Diet

Nutrition is among the key aspects to observe and work on especially for athletes who are on HCG diet. Inclusion of foods rich in fiber content and with low fat contents is consequently the best of all solutions to some of the challenges that may be faced by those on HCG dietary plan. The knowledge of the particular foods to eat and to avoid will guide every athlete concerned about their health in relation to their career.

Proper diet is extremely significant in facilitating muscle-building in the body. One would want to do some Yoga workouts but with poor nutrition, they can only achieve poor results. A combination of foods rich in fiber with low fats and proper HCG protocol is helpful to all athletes.

When athletes are on HGC diet, the HCG hormone activates the body metabolic systems to burn excess fat and preserve muscle. The use of HCG drops causes the body to increase the consumption of glycogen, normally stored in the liver and lean cells that plays important role in production of energy in the body.

Glycogen is produced by the body from the carbohydrate nutrients that one consumes and requires some water of about 3 or 4 grams for it to be stored in the body reservoirs. The underlining principal which guides us through especially when selecting the foods to take while one is on HCG diet protocol is based on the body alterations towards carbohydrates intake.

When you reduce carbohydrate intake in your daily diet, the amount of glycogen will decrease (source), which will further result to reduction of the amount of water you have in your body. Another important myth bound to low carbohydrate intake is the severe loss of muscle mass.

The high levels of carbohydrate or caloric deficiency most often triggers muscle lean loss (source), which helps to accelerate metabolic rates, boost immune system and in general bone health improvement. It becomes unfortunate when individuals lose muscle mass through consumption of starvation diets because they keep exploiting some muscle and their nerve systems.

Foods To Combine With HCG To Build Muscle Mass

It is categorical that however much we want to lose weight with only HCG diet, we need to consider taking foods which will help build muscles for a healthy and stronger body. In this case, choosing high fiber content foods with high protein contents and small amounts of carbs will add value to your HCG dietary plan. Here are 10 foods that can help you build muscle especially for athletes.

Brown Rice

While we know white rice is not recommendable when making dietary plans for athletes, brown rice is important as it contains a considerable amount of fiber constituents. It is healthy and helps to build the lean muscles and should be recommended for athletes on HCG diet protocol.


For most athletes who are vegetarians, all foods from plants rich in proteins are recommended. Some of the best foods are beans including, soybeans, white, kidney beans, pinto or black beans. Beans are believed to contain fiber and have no saturated fats unlike those extracted from animal sources like meat.

Among the best cereals which contain a substantial amount of fiber are black beans. Take just one cup of black beans and get 15 grams of fiber with a good amount of proteins. For those who would prefer taking black beans, taking of large quantities of water is recommendable.

Whole Wheat Pasta

Whole wheat pasta contains significant quantities of fiber and is usually sweet and enjoyable when taking it. They have small quantities of sugar unlike the white grain varieties. Fiber normally takes time to be digested and to avoid related complications in athletes during the marathon activities, pasta may be avoided until the end of exercise.


Lentils are believed to have high fiber content and can have up to 15.0 grams of fiber content in just one cup. It has other health benefits to athletes as it is rich in mineral iron and peptides.

Whole Wheat Bread

Whole wheat bread contains a substance known as bran. The bran is rich in fiber and is highly recommended for those athletes who are on HCG plan.


Many dietitians have discovered that when a person takes one whole fruit of Avocado, they gain 10 grams of fiber which aids in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. It helps to curb nutritional conditions like chronic heart related diseases like heart attack and stroke.


It contains a special kind of fiber that is helpful in weight loss. It is very nutritious when taken and it helps in lowering the cholesterol levels in our bodies.


Corn contains small quantities of fat but with substantial amounts of fiber of up to 3.5 grams in one cup. It is recommended to include and consume one cup of corn daily with other diets. Alternatively, well cooked popcorns can be taken on daily basis to help in cutting weight.


Nutritionists urge that just one fruit of pear contains approximately 5.5 grams of fiber. Pear fruits are tasty and will give you the best feeling before or after taking other diets.


Cauliflower is renowned to be the best source of fiber. It is usually taken with Gruyere cheese. This combination is ever yummy and just one cup of it can give you up to 5.0 grams of fiber.