In today’s society, many people struggle with addiction. Depending on the substance abused and the frequency of abuse, effects can vary significantly. Nothing can be sadder than someone close to you suffering from substance addiction and you aren’t aware. You might have noticed certain changes but probably assumed.
To be able to help your loved one, you should be on the lookout for common drug addiction symptoms. The following are common symptoms evident in drug addicts. Although not everyone might show the following signs, most of the people who suffer from drug addiction have these symptoms.
Evasive and secretive habits
One thing addicts do is trying to hide the fact that they are hooked. To avoid revealing so much indications, they might suddenly start avoiding you. Their behaviors might range from acting in unusual manners, keeping secrets to clearly avoiding answering some questions pertaining to their behaviors.
Occasional mood swings
Depending on the substance abused, occasional fluctuation of moods may be a symptom of drug addiction. This results from psychiatric disorder brought about by the addiction. Certain drugs feature varying emotions depending on how often they are abused and the amounts abused. You should be curious if someone you love develops sudden major mood swings.
General behavioral changes
For many people struggling with addiction, it is common to notice changes in their lifestyles and appearance. For instance, the way they address people and their dressing might change. Be on the lookout for moods such as aggression, shortness of temper and apprehension. This might result from psychological effects of the drugs abused. The other likely cause of change in behavior is the new company the addict might have acquired. In general, drugs and substance addiction make the affected people have a different perception of life.
Occasional loss of memory
If someone you knew as attentive is suddenly ‘switching off’ and forgetting some important things, he or she might be struggling with drug addiction. Heavy usage of certain substances within a short span often results in blackouts. The more the number of blackouts someone suffers, the more the likelihood of long-term memory loss.
Neglect of responsibilities
Drug addiction causes people to ignore their professional and societal responsibilities. They focus more on ‘attaining satisfaction’ from the drugs abused than fulfilling their obligations. Such people might not meet deadlines at work. They can also have issues supporting their families as they used to.
Handling drug addiction
If you suspect your loved one is suffering from drug addiction, it is advisable to take prompt actions. You can talk to them in a gentle way and ask them to go for counseling sessions. You can also encourage him to go for rehabilitation. Several drug treatment centers in Florida offer effective rehabilitation services to drugs addicts.
Depending on the level of addiction and substances abused, the rehab sessions might vary in content. Remember, it is possible to recover from drug addiction. Take it as your responsibility to convince your loved one to stop using drugs and resume their normal lives once again.