10 Smart Tricks to Move Across Country

10 Smart Tricks to Move Across Country

You’re planning to move across the country. Congrats!

Now comes the tricky part: Figuring out all the logistics.

The sheer amount of prepping, planning and packing is enough to make your head spin.

And the last thing you want to do is go through an across-country move in an inefficient or costly way.

That’s why I put together this list of 10 smart tricks to help you move across the country.

If you implement them, your move will be a breeze. (Or at least as much of a breeze as a cross country move can be!)

Sound interesting? Keep reading to find out more.

1. Do Your Research

The thought of moving across the country, only to arrive at a place full of surprises, should scare you. Or at least, it should scare you enough to make you do your research.

If you are moving to a place you’ve never been, you’ll want to know as much about the area as you can. And primary in that research is the cost of living.

Find out how much housing costs, and how much basic transportation costs will be. Also, look into the price of essentials like healthcare and food prices.

Of course, there are other essentials you’ll need to pay for. But start with those 4 and move forward from there. You’ll be able to put together a more accurate budget for after you arrive.

2. Employment

Moving to a new city without knowing where your paychecks will come from is a true risk.

So it’s best to have employment set up prior to moving. Or at the very least have a bunch of legit prospects.

If you aren’t able to secure some form of job, it might be best to postpone the move until that’s sorted out.

3. The Joy of Decluttering

Moving is hard enough without bringing things across the country that you don’t need.

So do yourself a huge favor and go through all your possessions as you being the packing process.

Be honest about what items you actually need vs which items you have simply grown accustomed to having.

It’s a great time to throw away some items, and donate others to people who will make better use of them!

4. Estimates from Moving Companies

Don’t settle for the first moving company you find.  It is advised to make a list of movers to choose the best one, depending on your budget and requirements. Make sure you go through the customer reviews online to understand if a moving company is experienced and trustworthy. Get estimates from at least 3 different companies who offer moving services, and receive quotes from vehicle relocation companies alike to Cars Relo who can relocate your car during your move.

And give yourself enough lead time to shop around. Start getting in touch for estimates at least four weeks before your move date.

5. Inventory Your Items

Before you stick all your boxes into a moving truck, it’s important to know exactly what items are making the move.

So be sure to do a full inventory of all your items as you pack.

Some people use pen and paper, others use spreadsheets, others use apps.

Regardless of your method, always have a detailed list of what’s coming with you across the country. You’ll be able to tell much easier if there’s anything missing after you arrive.

6. Pack for Distance

There are certain packing tips that are ideal for shorter distances. And you should certainly apply all of those.

But for a move across the country, you’ll want to take special care with fragile items. The risk of random bumps and sharp curves that jar your boxes is greater for longer drives.

So make sure you give all of your fragile items some extra layers of protective wrapping. use bubble wrap, old shirts, or even paper to keep them safe and secure.

And pack your fragile items together in clearly marked boxes, so movers know to handle them with special care.

7. Put Your Name on Everything

Most people know they should mark moving boxes with the items inside. Or at least they’ll put the general category on there, so movers know where to place them.

But what many people forget to do is write their name and contact info on each box. There’s a decent chance that the company you use will also be shipping boxes from other people.

While moving companies are very careful not to mix up boxes, errors can happen.

So be sure to have your information on every single box!

8. Move During the Off-Season

Summer is the most popular time to move. So, as you can guess, it’s also the most expensive time to move.

Save yourself from paying premium moving prices by moving off-season.

And if that’s not an option, at least try to move on a weekday rather than a weekend. That can save you a little bit of cash as well.

9. Close up Accounts

Don’t get caught with an extra bill or two after you’ve left your current place.

Close up your utility accounts, your cable TV account, and any other monthly services you won’t need in that location.

And once you move, be sure to quickly contact companies in your new location to have those services started in your new location. You don’t want to wait a few weeks before your gas, lights or Internet are available!

10. Pick the Right Shipping Service

Many people aren’t aware that the best moving service for cross country moves is often a freight moving company. They specialize in LTL ground shipping, which means less-than-truckload.

They are experienced in moving companies of all sizes, and can easily handle the needs of a family or small business.

And, depending on the size of your move, going with a freight shipping service might save you money on your move as well.

Across the Country Moves

As you can see, there are some crucial decisions and actions you can make that will make your across the country move a breeze.

if you follow all of the advice I laid out for you, your chances of success with your move will be much higher.

And if you want to know more about how to stay healthy before, during, and after your move, check out this blog on handling stress and anxiety.