How to Relieve Muscle Pain and Soreness After Exercise?

How to Relieve Muscle Pain and Soreness After Exercise?

Experiencing pain after any workout is quite normal and most of the time the pain subsides on its own in a day or two. But if the aching muscles do not get better within a few days of rest, then it could mean there is a more serious injury than you had initially anticipated.

We have listed below a set of techniques that will help you get rid of mild muscle soreness and pain.

Techniques to relieve muscle soreness and pain:

Use Hot or Cold Therapy:

The first thing you need to know as soon as you notice anything unusual like swelling in the area is to immediately apply an ice pack for about 15 minutes. On the other hand, if there is no swelling but just soreness of the muscles, apply a heat pack instead to boost blood circulation in the area.

Stretch Properly:

Stretching before and after a workout session is very important to prevent soreness of muscles. Take 10 minutes before and after the workout session to stretch. Remember this is the most important thing to do every day before you exercise or else you will face extreme muscle soreness or pain after the workout.

Take a Massage:

A good and relaxing massage can also help to relax the sore muscles as it helps in increasing the blood circulation in your body which in turn helps in providing more oxygen to the muscle. Taking massage every week if you work out regularly is a good practice to make sure that your body is not overexerting and getting the pampering it needs.

Exercise (Cardio):

So, you did a bit too much strength training and your muscle is really sore, so you decide to take a few days to break from workout routine to get rid of the pain. This approach is absolutely wrong. To get rid of the pain, you need to continue exercising but only stick to cardio. Strength training results in a build-up of lactic acid in muscles which causes muscle soreness and pain. When you do cardio, lactic acid burns up thereby reducing your pain hence always remember, strength training should be followed by cardio on the next day.

Try a Steam Bath:

Steam bath after workouts really helps in boosting blood circulations to muscles which may provide you temporary relief and help in loosening the tight muscles. 

Try Ointments and Painkillers:

You will find ointments in the market or oils which helps in relieving muscle pains.

There are painkillers also available to help reduce the pain and nonpharmacological pain management methods.

If the muscle soreness is not extreme, these techniques can help get rid of the pain in a day or two but if it prolongs more than that, it is better to go for more aggressive pain treatment.

If the pain still persists for a longer time than advisable, we suggest you join an effective natural pain eradication program such as Back To Life Program which is well researched and has helped many others get rid of their pain through natural techniques. But if your pain is extreme, then it is no brainer, consult a doctor immediately.