5 Health Benefits Associated with Drinking Beer

5 Health Benefits Associated with Drinking Beer

Not new to all of us, beer is one of the oldest drinks that even our fathers’ fathers widely consumed. For years, beer has been one of the most consumed alcoholic dinks in and out of the country. But other than the rejuvenating feeling that one gets after drinking beer, there are several health benefits associated with consumption of beer.

To start us off, beer hops are said to contain large amounts of vitamins. Hops have vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12 to be precise and according to health experts, vitaminB6 is very important since it helps battle different heart conditions. Here are some more benefits of taking beer.

  • Beer keeps the kidneys healthy – Believe it or not, according to beer lovers’ monthly beer club, beer is an antioxidant. Therefore, taking a glass of beer can help keep those kidneys in good condition. However, this doesn’t mean that you should drink to a point where your judgment is impaired.
  • Beer helps in digestion – One common ingredient in all beers is fibre. And as we all know, fibre plays an important role in ensuring that digestion and everything else concerning the intestinal unit is smooth. As a matter of fact, depriving your body of fibre can lead to several intestinal disorders like constipation and belching. Furthermore, fiber is also perfect for reducing the levels of cholesterol in your body.
  • Beer improves your chances of getting enough sleep – Do you suffer from insomnia? According to health experts, beer contains Lactoflavin and nicotinic acid, which are said to improve sleep quality. People who have trouble sleeping can sleep the night away after taking a glass of their finest beer brand and so can you.
  • Beer is an effective stress reliever – In this day and age, where people have a lot to deal with physically, emotionally, socially and financially, stress is bound to kick in at some point in life. If you are lucky enough to not have suffered stress or anxiety, good for you. On the other hand, stress and anxiety can be lowered by taking a glass of cold beer.
  • Lastly, beer improves the flow of blood in the body – Warm beer to be precise is good for improving circulation of blood and oxygen in the body. In fact, when barley is warmed up, it not only keeps the blood flowing but also helps reduce chest congestion and joint cramps.

That said, beer is for sure alcoholic. Though not as strong as other alcoholic drinks like wines and spirits, it is advised that you do not make alcohol consumption your lifestyle. The truth is that even with these benefits, excessive consumption of alcohol can be harmful. Too much of everything is poisonous.

So, embrace moderate drinking of beer and always keep it under control. In addition to this, ensure that you have healthy diet plans and workout routines. Don’t just rely on the beer alone to keep your heart safe from coronary related conditions.