7 Foods Good for Your Weight Loss Plan

7 food good for your weight loss plan cover photo

Today, the weight management discussions have become so common be it in the media, the internet, social media platforms, learning institutions, seminars and other platforms out there. This can be attributed to the increased introduction of junk foods and unhealthy lifestyles that a majority of the people worldwide have embarked on. To curb these ever growing cases of fat related health problems, a lot of strategies and practices have been introduced most of which have proved to be very effective and reliable. One of those practices which happen to be very uncommon but has proved to be effective and highly convenient is working on your diet. To shed more light on that, this article will take you through 7 food good for your weight loss plan.

1.    Leafy greens

leafy greens good for weight loss     

Whenever we talk about the best food to include in your diet food, the greens are among of the first options that come in your mind. Most of these leafy greens are not only rich in fiber but come with a lot of nutrients that are very crucial in the normal functioning our body systems. Apart from that, leafy greens are known to boost our immune and significantly reduce cases of cardiovascular diseases which have become very common.

2.    Fish

fish good for weight loss

Not all fats have a negative bearing on our health, the fast that come from eating fish happen to be one of a kind and highly recommended by physicians when it comes to weight management. One of the factors that make this type of fats special is the fact that they are made of Omega 3 fatty acids which not only remove the hunger but also lowers the insulin resistance in the body.

3.    Olive oil

olive oil good for weight loss

If you thinking of the best diet for your weight management plan, then the virgin olive oil should be among your priorities. It contains monounsaturated fat which happens to be essential in neutralizing the effects of the bad cholesterol popularly known as the low-density lipoprotein. With such problems at bay, you know longer have to worry about heart problems which have been life threating especially to the obese.

4.    Green tea

green tea good for weight loss

Weight management is mainly about burning fat cells faster and that’s where the green tea comes in. Its significance cannot be underestimated and its contributions can be seen in a short period. Apart from that, green teas are also known to control the blood pressure and help in the management of bad cholesterol which can be dangerous especially to the overweight individuals.

5.    Tomatoes

tomatoes good for weight loss

Tomatoes happen to be one of those food products that apart from being sweet also happen to have a lot of nutritional value to our bodies. First of all, they are rich in vitamins whose contribution in our body cannot be ignored. Apart from that, tomatoes are known to have low levels of calories, sodium, and saturated fats which make it the perfect match for the overweight person.

6.    Beans

Beans good for weight loss

Despite the fact that a good number of people do not like beans for their various reasons, they happen to be one of those products that can really do well among those with excess body mass. Apart from making you feel fuller for a longer period of time, they are also known to contain fewer calories and also controls blood cholesterol levels.

7.    Broccoli

broccoli good for weight loss

If you thinking of shedding some pounds within a short span of time through diet plan, then broccoli should be your ultimate choice. It’s a product that consists of proteins, vitamins and mineral salt which we all know how significant they are in the body. Apart from that broccoli increases the body metabolism and reduces the cravings for the snacks which are highly discouraged among the overweight persons.

Author Biography:

jade evans guest author bioHi friend, I’m Jade Evans, a person passionate about cooking and all things food-related. So I decided to create the MarvelousChef to share easy ways to cook, useful tips, healthy recipes, and to curate fantastic and hearty dishes for you.