A Few Things to Do After a Car Accident

A Few Things to Do After a Car Accident

aCar accidents are incredibly common, with one in four Americans getting into one during their lifetimes. However, many people believe that a car crash will never happen to them. Because of this, they may not be prepared to take the proper actions if they do find themselves in a car crash. The unfortunate truth is that even if you are an excellent driver, you could still find yourself in a fender bender as the result of another driver’s negligent actions. You cannot predict what other people on the road may do, so you need to make sure you understand what you should do in the event of a crash. Here are a few steps to keep in mind:

1) Get out of the road.

If your car ends up in the road after a crash, try to get it out of the road. It could cause another crash if oncoming motorists don’t see it in time. If your car is totaled, and you cannot move it, then get out of the car and head to a safe spot. Try to get any passengers to a safe spot as well.

2) Check for injuries.

Check yourself for any broken bones, cuts, or other injuries. Check your passengers as well. If anyone has hit their head or has a serious looking injury, then make sure that the person is sitting down and waiting for help. Moving around can make many types of injuries worse. If everyone in your vehicle seems okay, check on people in the other vehicle as well.

3) Call 9-1-1 right away.

Make sure you call 911 as soon as you can. Police officers and medical personnel will be sent to the scene. If someone is seriously hurt, calling 9-1-1 as soon as possible could even help to save a life. Even if everyone is okay, you still need police offers to come and file a report before anyone can leave the scene of the wreck.

4) Document the crash scene.

Having proper documentation of the crash scene can help you when you’re filing an insurance claim or even a personal injury claim if you’ve been badly hurt. Take the photo of your car, the other car, the road, any injuries you or your passengers have, and road signs or traffic signs that the other driver didn’t obey, and anything else that seems relevant. You can also ask to get a copy of the police report. If there are any eyewitnesses, get their contact information as well. As Florida truck accident attorney Ronald Rosen explains, documentation can be the most important part of filing an insurance claim if you’re trying to prove you were not at fault for an accident.

5) See a medical professional.

If you’re badly injured in a car crash, you will likely be taken to a hospital by an ambulance. However, even if you appear to be okay, it is a good idea to get a checkup from a medical professional after a car crash. Some injuries, like concussions, don’t become apparent until later on, and as Virginia Beach car accident lawyer Robert J Haddad explains, if you want to include your injury in an insurance or personal injury claim, you will need medical documentation showing that the injury was indeed linked to the crash. This is why it is important to get checked out by a medical professional after a car crash.

These are a few of the most important steps to take if you find yourself in a car crash. The best thing to do is try to prevent a crash from occurring in the first place by always practicing safe driving techniques. However, you can never predict what other drivers will do, so make sure you understand what to do after a car crash.