While everyone wants to lose weight, there are seldom few people who want to gain weight. Most people are of the view that losing weight is tough but to gain is really easy. If you are under the view that just by binging on a lot of junk food, you can gain weight, you are absolutely wrong. No doubt, you will surely gain weight but it will all be unhealthy weight.
How fast your body sheds or gains weight entirely depends on its metabolism. As a result, it is extremely necessary to be careful and keep a check on your diet. Every human being is different and so the process of losing it gaining weight will vary too. Therefore, it is necessary to reach out to experts to find the best solution to your problem.
Can you gain weight?
Gaining weight and lean muscle mass can be difficult but if the food is consumed right way, it can be helpful. Nutrition, as well as physical activity, has an important role to play in building the body. People looking forward to bulking up need to consume protein-rich foods. Apart from exercising regularly, you should also keep a check on your nutritional diet for better advantages. Thus, when trying to gain weight and muscle mass, both nutrition and exercise have an equal role to play.
What to consume?
If you are trying to gain weight, make sure that you bring changes in your diet. Some of the prominent food items to consume include the following
If you have been searching for quality protein-rich, healthy fat food then an egg is the best choice to make. The egg is enriched with necessary nutrients like choline and vitamin-B, which makes it a major addition to your muscle gain diet.
Eggs are extremely rich in the amino acid, leucine, which is extremely necessary for muscle gain. Vitamin B is also a major requirement of the body. It helps to produce energy in large numbers. Compared to egg yolks, egg whites are more enriched in proteins. You should consume at least four eggs a day if you have been trying to gain muscle mass.
Milk has played an important role in helping people gain weight for a long time. This muscle builder is an important aspect in the long run. Milk is the perfect combination of proteins, carbs, and fats. Apart from that, milk is also a great source of vitamins, minerals, and calcium.
Milk forms a major part of whey proteins and casein. Research has shown that milk also boosts your energy so you can indulge in weight lifting. As a result, the chances to gain muscle mass eventually increases. If you are not consuming protein powders, you should drink a meal twice a day, before and after a workout.
Nuts and Peanut butter
Who doesn’t love peanut butter? To know peanut butter as an efficient weight builder is a great boost. If you have been looking forward to a perfect snack that can help you in the long run to build your muscle mass, then nuts are the right choice to make.
Compared to all nuts, almonds are the healthiest for they contain healthy fats and a sufficient amount of proteins. Two handfuls of nuts each day can boost your muscle gain diet. These calories are healthy for your body. You can either consume nuts with your smoothie or salad. The peanut butter can also form an important part of yoghurts, smoothies, and snacks. However, if you are purchasing but butter you need to ensure that it does not contain added sugar or extra oil.
Chicken Breast
Chicken breast is a major food for boosting your weight gain procedure. Compared to other body parts, chicken breast contains healthy fats and fast quality protein. Apart from that, chicken breast also contains a sufficient amount of vitamin B complexes such as niacin and vitamin B6.
The vitamins are an important requirement of the body to boost your physical activity. As a result, chicken breast is extremely necessary for ensuring muscle gain. Studies have also shown that chicken breast will not only aid in muscle gain but will also contribute towards fat loss.
Potato and starchy foods
If you are looking forward to an affordable range of healthy foods, then potatoes are the right choice to make. These starchy foods can add up the extra calories to your diet thereby helping you gain muscle mass. Some of the prominent starchy foods you can consume are squash, corn, oats, sweet potatoes, winter root vegetables and more.
These starchy foods can add an adequate amount of calories and carbs into the body thereby increasing the muscle glycogen stores. Moreover, starchy foods can also help to enhance the nutrient and fiber content of the body which will help to improve the gut bacteria.
Greek Yogurt
Greek Yogurt is a healthy combination of healthy fats and high-quality protein. Greek yoghurt contains a sufficient amount of quick to digest whey protein with slow to digest casein protein. Research shows that one can easily gain lean muscle mass if they eat a perfect balance of quick and slow-digesting dietary proteins.
Greek yoghurt is extremely healthy as compared to the regular yogurt. Greek yogurt can make an important part of the diet and is a perfect snack. But, it is always recommended to consume Greek yogurt before and after a workout to enjoy maximum benefits.
Nothing on this Earth is as healthy as avocados. It won’t be wrong to call avocados magic food because they are enriched with healthy proteins and fat. Avocados are rich in calories thereby helping you gain weight in a healthy way. Not only is avocado rich in fiber, but also minerals, vitamins, and plant compounds. You can include avocados in your omelets and sandwiches for extra benefits.
Cooked or boiled soybeans contain a sufficient amount of healthy unsaturated fats, vitamins, and minerals. They are a great source of vitamin K, phosphorus and iron. Iron is further required for the healthy functioning of the body. The deficiency of iron can further be harmful to the body. Soybeans can further be helpful for young women who undergo blood loss due to menstruation for it provides healthy iron content.
Various foods can help to gain lean muscle mass. You should be consuming protein-packed foods that will eventually help you recover from deficiency. This further helps to boost your physical activity. Apart from protein, you should also be consuming a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals to meet body requirements.