Best Tips To Reduce Anxiety

Best Tips To Reduce Anxiety

Do you feel worried or nervous more than is considered usual? Does the stress of everyday life take a toll on you, so much so that you experience aches and pains? These feelings, most often, are typical responses to various situations happening in our daily lives. Other times, these feelings are far from ordinary and are signs of real anxiety.

Everyone experiences anxiety, some people more frequently than others. Whereas some people experience anxiety through feelings of worry or concern, others tend to experience more physical symptoms. These physical traits can be mistaken for the symptoms of other conditions. However, symptoms such as chest pains and insomnia are also symptoms of anxiety.

If you are suffering from anxiety, there are many ways to help you control and distract your thoughts, here are some of them.

Be Aware Of Your Symptoms

After identifying your signs and symptoms, it’s time to accept them and work your way through them. Find out what it is you’re worried about. Is it worth worrying? Does it have an outcome you can’t control? Or you’re dreading a result that’s unlikely? Sit yourself down and adequately dissect your feelings, placing them into perspective.

Practice Intense Breathing

Consider breathing your mini meditation skill. Research indicated that deep breathing calms not only the body but the mind as well. Do this exercise in a quiet room or space, inhaling for a count of ten. Hold your breath for a second, before using the next ten counts to exhale. Repeat the process up until you begin to feel a fall in speeding heart rate.

Use Meditation Apps

In this tech-savvy world, many apps have been created to help people move through stress or phases of anxiety with a series of exercises and techniques. There are free meditation apps have been designed to help you calm down whenever you feel anxious. Since they cost next to nothing, it’s easy to try out several to find one that works best for you.

Envisage Serenity

You can create a new place, or merely picture any place that calms you down. This is the best activity for when you find yourself in a situation you can’t immediately avoid, a tense meeting, for example. Practice deep breathing while you visualize this location.

Have A Massage

Another way to envisage serenity is to get a massage. Massages may be costly and not as efficient as other tips, but they are essential if you’re looking the feel more grounded and relaxed. The quiet environment and untightening of your nerves may be just what you need to send that anxious feeling packing.

Practice Yoga

In recent years, more studies have provided clues to the health-promoting effects of yoga. Whether in mental illness, back pain, asthma or cardiovascular diseases – everywhere yoga should have a positive impact. Yoga, as well as any other meditation exercise, is excellent for feeling ‘grounded’ in the midst of anxiety. It has been shown to have a positive impact on our mental health and balance.

Practice Tai Chi

Activities such as Tai Chi and Qigong combine deep breathing and serenity visualization techniques to bring you back into your body and space. It can be done as a group or in the comfort of your bedroom, with significant effect.

Practice Relaxation

In patients diagnosed with anxiety disorder, spending at least half an hour a day doing relaxing activities can help with relaxation. These also include walking, meditation, tai chi or yoga as mentioned above. These exercises are not only useful in helping you to relax and relieve anxiety, but they are also good for your health. Relaxation also helps to lower the heart rate and makes you ready to face the rest of the day, as well as effectively interact with people at work or elsewhere. Therefore, if you want to see the natural way how to cure anxiety, you should consider relaxation.

Use CBD Oil

CBD oil is a cannabinoid extracted from the cannabis plant. CBD oils have been discovered to be essential in therapeutic healing. Their concentrations and uses vary greatly, but their benefits on a person’s health are almost the same.

CBD also works as a natural pain relief; oils are considered a more organic alternative to prescription drugs for the relief of stiffness and pain. CBD oil has proved to be an excellent aid with the reduction of symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders. This oil, according to research, may aid with the decline in the physical symptoms caused by a panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, general anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. There are many online stores where you can purchase CBD oil such as Wellspring. For more information, read more here.

Get Proactive With Physical Activities

Simple acts such as exercising, by being active daily can influence the health of your mind. These may not take away your chest pains, but they may help to reduce your chances of getting anxiety attacks or chest aches in the future.

Quit The Caffeine

It doesn’t have that much of a downside, has loads of benefits plus, a little goes a long way. Most people believe the myth that caffeine can’t dehydrate your system. Even though caffeine is known to be a mild painkiller, taking it in high doses can be detrimental to people suffering from pain or anxiety.

Practice Box Breathing

Box breathing comes with many benefits for anxiety sufferers. It is a method you can apply when you find yourself in an area or situation where its best to calm yourself discreetly. Look out for a rectangle around you. It can be an entire building or something as small as your office door. Using something tangible to support your breathing patterns is extremely helpful. Use each side of the rectangle as a representative of your breathing, inhaling or exhaling. For example, you can use the faces of the door to breathe in or out, and the sides to hold your breath. Box breathing is one way to switch up things around you to make you more calm and composed.

Use Lavender Oil

Using lavender oil can be a very effective method to help to calm your mind. Patients with anxiety disorders benefit from preparations containing lavender oil. One study shows that herbal alternatives to psyche can be as effective as conventional medicines. An absolute plus of the natural drug: fewer side effects and better deductibility.

Have A Stress Ball Always Handy

Another effective tip to help you stay calm and control stress is to have something handy that you can hold in your hands such as a stress ball for example. The possible reason why this trick works is that the brain cannot focus on other things and having something to hold on too often gives off a feeling of relief. Even in schools, many teachers always advise their students to hold something in their hands when making a presentation to help take away any nervous feeling. So it is always good to have an object handy that can help distract your mind from anxiety and panic.

Work On Your Sense Of Humor

Laughter is considered the best medicine. Therefore, having a sense of humor will always help you stay more relaxed, with continuous feelings of happiness. Even a simple fake laugh can immediately increase your dopamine levels. Dopamine is a brain chemical that helps to increase positive emotions because it controls our feelings of pleasure. If it is difficult to laugh for you, you should try the visualization method of imagining only positive or happy things. You can also search for funny videos on YouTube that will help you laugh. Laughter helps to lower the stress hormone that releases when you are feeling anxious and worrying.

Consider A Lifestyle Change

If you live a life of uncertainty and are under a lot of stress, you should think about changing your lifestyle. This includes getting adequate sleep, slowing down your daily routine, and providing adequate nutrition to your body. Maybe you can take some weeks off when you feel burned out. It is also important that you think about your own expectations of yourself so that you can prevent adding any additional pressure on yourself. Exercise can be supportive, helping to relieve tension and reduce stress.

Have A Change Of Diet

A lifestyle also includes a change in diet – to a healthy and balanced diet. Proper nutrition has been proven to help cure disease. Even with anxiety, it can have a positive effect on the person affected and relieve anxiety. A balanced diet includes, for example, natural fats such as virgin olive oil and avocado, whole grains, all sorts of vegetables, fruits and plenty of still water. Try to drink at least two liters of water every day. Avoid alcohol and caffeine because these substances can even increase your anxiety. You should eat enough nutrients, vitamins, and minerals so that your body is fully functional. Diets should be completely avoided.

Visit A Doctor

In the event of severe chest pains, or if they become chronic, you will have to book an appointment with a therapist. Doctors can propose techniques which may not come to you naturally in moments of panic. If after the coaching techniques you still feel the pains, getting prescription drugs should be considered. It’s true that the continuous use of anti-anxiety medicines exposes you to specific side effects and risks, but they can be of immense help while you learn all the techniques for coping with your symptoms.

All examples listed above are but a few of the techniques you can apply, thus, consider them the basics. You can come up with personal methods that mess up the mental or physical patterns of your anxiety, making it difficult and almost impossible for it to stay within your system.