Best types of fishing you should try

There are a couple of outdoor activities we often enjoy. One of these outdoor activities is fishing. It is often considered as a great activity for bonding. In many countries, people go out fishing with their families or friends. Besides, it a fun activity for elderly people as well. Though it is normally done in water bodies found in the wild, you can go fishing to the nearest lake or pond. Always look out for places where there are a good number of fishes available.

The term fishing can be defined as catching any aquatic organism except the mammals of the aquatic ecosystem. In western countries, fishing is a popular recreational activity and often a weekend activity as well. On the contrary, commercial fishing is a great source of earning for a lot of people in both western and eastern countries. It is a large scale business activity and a greater amount of livelihood depends on it.

Types of Fishing

There are three basic types of fishing and each type has a purpose. Fishing is a huge economic activity and a part of the world population earns their livelihood by fishing. There are some renowned fisheries who export and import fishes across countries.

  1. Traditional Fishing

The primitive pattern of fishing is known as the traditional way of fishing. The activity is conducted with the help of traditional tools and traditional method of catching fishes. Traditional fishing is mainly done for self benefits, such as selling purposes, survival, and self-nourishment. There are a couple of traditional methods of fishing. It varies from place to place as different people follow different techniques.

  1. Recreational Fishing

Recreational fishing is an activity conducted for joy, time pass, self-enrichment, and fun.  People who go out for recreational fishing, their aim is not to benefit from it but an activity of self-satisfaction. Usually, people spend their weekends going out fishing with friends or family. The recreational fishing has a sub-category as well, which is called sports fishing. It is a recreational activity taken as a sports competition. Fishermen participate in this activity and win by catching maximum fishes during the event.

  1. Commercial Fishing

The sole purpose of commercial usage and earning through it is called commercial fishing. This type of fishing is practiced in enormous water bodies with an innumerable amount of fishes. The fisheries carrying out this form of fishing raise different kinds of fishes. It is a part of the primary sector among the 3 sectors of business. This form of fishing is a lot dependent on modern technique and technologies.

Techniques of Fishing

Techniques of fishing refer to the methods applied for catching fishes. There are various methods applied for fishing but here we have listed the top five techniques. Different type of fishing depends on different methods. These techniques are applicable in all three types of fishing. Commercial fishing uses a couple of different techniques for different types of fishes. As we move ahead, you will learn more about these techniques.

  1. Hand Fishing

It is a traditional technique and a fun way to catch fishes. Fishermen use their bare hands to catch fishes and you can do so. You can catch fishes easily in this manner. Even though there are a couple of factors which you need to consider before indulging into the activity.

  • This technique is not applicable to deep water.
  • You can only catch small fishes in this method.
  • Each time you dip your hand in the water, you can catch one fish only.
  • In deep waters, you can only catch fishes from the shore in this method.

Fishes caught in this technique are mostly, crabs, shellfishes, kelps, etc. Besides, it is tough to catch a large number of fishes by using this technique.

  1. Netting

A fishing net is used in this technique to catch fishes. A large net is spread across a huge area of the water body to trap fishes in the net. Thin threads are knotted together as a mesh made. The net is thrown in the water body to trap fishes in it. It is a common technique used in commercial fishing. The net quality and size vary depending on the fish to catch and the water body where the fishing is done.

  1. Angling

This is a very popular technique of fishing which is applicable in all the three forms of fishing. It requires a couple of tools such as a rod, hook, lines, reel, and bait. In some cases, a sinker is attached to the line for increasing the weight. This, in turn, helps the fisherman to catch fishes from deep water bodies. Though it is a traditional technique with the help of modern technology, it is a common fishing method. This technique is also used in sports fishing events.

  1. Destructive Fishing

Even though it is a technique of fishing but it causes severe damage to the aquatic ecosystem. The destructive fishing technique refers to catching fishes regardless of the effect on the aquatic habitat. This technique of fishing is illegal in lots of countries and a punishable offense. A common example of destructive fishing is blast fishing. In this process, a blast is initiated in the water body. As a result of it, fishes fly off from the water to the surrounding land. It is an easy method to catch lots of fishes at once and also economical. On the contrary, due to blast fishing, lots of fishes die as a result of the blast.

  1. Spear Fishing

This technique of fishing was practiced by our ancestors and we still practice it. It is one of the oldest fishing methods. To catch a fish, you need a spear or trident or harpoon. It is a hunting style used for catching fishes. Fishermen aim the spear into the water on locating a fish in their range. Even though this is not a commercial fishing technique but tribal people still practice this technique.

These are the types and techniques commonly used for fishing. If you wish to know more about this, you can browse the internet and gain more knowledge. Have you tried fishing before? You can give it a try if you want to experience this activity.