5 tricks to improve your stamina naturally so you bust your butt at the gym!

improve your stamina naturally

If you are into fitness and want to excel, stamina is one thing that you would love to work on! An increased stamina ensures that you give 100% to your workout and go an extra mile as well. As an individual who loves to exercise, a good stamina is the key to an enjoyable workout. You don’t have to be an exercise-lover to yearn for increased stamina. You might be a mom chasing your toddler all over the house! Whatever your case may be, an increased stamina is a bonus that you need!

Here are a few ways you can increase your stamina so that you can literally bust your butt and break a few of your own personal records at the gym!

Balance Your Recovery Time and Resistance!

When working out at the gym and pumping iron, you are definitely tempted to lift up heavier weights and increase the number of reps. However, this is not going to help you increase your stamina, rather this is going to tire you out quickly and may even put you off your workout!

In order to increase your stamina and endurance, it is recommended that you shorten your rest period between sets from 30-90 seconds. Use lighter weights and increase the number of repetitions. The lower the weights and shorter the recovery time, the better will be your stamina and endurance!

Always Listen to Your Body!

While it sounds tempting to work out every single day to get better and faster results, it does not work that way! Working out every day is not recommended as it is not only exhausting, but it eventually takes a toll on your body. You may start off your week with 100% intensity but without any rest day, it will eventually fall down and you will be dragging yourself to the gym without any enthusiasm.

Furthermore, your risk of muscular injury also increases if you tend to work out everyday. So in order to increase your stamina and endurance, in the long run, it is always recommended that you work out at least 3-5 days and give your body a rest in between!

Indulge in HIIT

HIIT is the latest exercise obsession and for good reason too. It not only takes 10-20 minutes to complete, but also blasts fat like anything! It is a perfect workout for individuals who are short on time but don’t want to compromise their fitness routine! However, there is a hidden benefit to it.

Regular HIIT increases your stamina and endurance. It is a simple workout where you go all out for a good 30-45 seconds and then give yourself a recovery period of 1 minute. HIIT can be incorporated in any of your workouts, including sprinting, rowing, biking, burpees, push-ups and even squats! The best thing is that you don’t need a gym to do HIIT!

Frequency and Duration of Your Workouts Matter!

Indulging in HIIT and then feeling the burn has to be one of the best things to experience. However, limiting this workout to once a week or pushing yourself to the burning point once or twice a week, is not going to help increase your stamina and endurance. Sticking to a workout routine at least 3-5 days a week and maintaining a good workout frequency is important in increasing your stamina.

You can challenge your body by changing your regular routine but, make sure you push yourself to the point of muscle burn. This ensures that you will ultimately increase your stamina!

Power of Your Mind!

Another way to increase your stamina is to use the power of your mind. Our minds are the key to either pushing our body or preventing them form reaching a goal. Before going out for your workout, standing in front of a mirror and telling yourself that you can do it, can go a long way. Keeping yourself positive and motivated can help you increase your workout stamina and help you push yourself to the max!

Increasing Your Stamina and Endurance is a Combination of Perseverance, Hard work and Determination! Make Your Workouts Enjoyable and Long-lasting with These Awesome Tips!