Staying healthy is vital for a happy, long and fulfilling life. There are various components of physical and mental health that can make it challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Health can be improved in different ways but attempting to make numerous changes at the same time can be overwhelming.
Making small significant changes that you are able to commit to is the best way to enhance overall wellbeing. You can add changes over time by focusing on a few areas that will enable you to experience gradual and positive effects on your health.
Balanced Diet
Consume a balanced diet that consists of low salt, low sugar, healthy fats and high fiber. Eating a healthy diet increases your energy and improves your outlook on life. A diet that is rich in fiber enables regular bowel movements and reduces your risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Healthy fats are found in foods like avocados, nuts and fish. Eat plenty of vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and kale that are full of essential nutrients and vitamins.
Food Journal
- A food journal will make it easier for you to keep track of what you eat each day.
- Writing down what you eat is a simple way to prevent you from making unhealthy food choices. When you keep a log of all the food you eat, you also become aware of the changes you need to make to your diet. Assess your consumption regularly and make adjustments as necessary.
- Download food apps that provide nutritional information and can help you with your tracking.
Exercise as often as recommended and include both moderate and vigorous activity on a regular basis. This is important for your health as you get older and can positively influence your mood, focus and brain function. From brisk walks to weight lifting, an actively lifestyle is healthy and rejuvenating. Find solutions for the common causes of a runny nose here.
Running Nose- Reasons and Remedies
Running noses are typically frustrating, distracting and inconvenient. If you are afflicted by a runny nose, there are different remedies worth considering.
- If the cause of your runny nose is a cold, you can try a steam treatment or taking a soothing decongestant.
- Breathing in steam as you take a hot shower can provide relief. For runny noses that result from allergies, an antihistamine will help to ease the symptoms.
- Regardless of what may be causing your runny nose, gently massaging the area between your eyes, your earlobes and nose can help to ease sinus pressure.
Treating Underlying Causes
- An important step towards effectively dealing with a runny nose is to establish the reason your nose is running.
- Being aware of why you have a leaky nose will enable you to identify the right treatment solution. Some of the basic and potential runny nose causes include allergies, clogging, illness, lifestyle choices and stress.
- Antihistamines, steam, decongestants, clearing the irritant and getting enough rest are among the recommended cures for a runny nose.
- Clean your nose regularly by gently blowing it to get rid of the excess fluid. Nasal irrigation products can be used to clear out your nasal passages.
Cold Weather- Preventing a Running Nose
Running noses are common occurrences. This is due to the nasal passages attempting to warm air before it goes to the lungs and additional fluid is produced. You can prevent a running nose during cold weather by moistening and warming air before it goes into your nose.
Moistening and Warming Air
- Use a wool scarf to wrap your mouth and nose when outdoors. While you breathe through the scarf, the space between the scarf and your face will warm up. Exhaling moisture into this space also moistens the air. Moistening and warming the space reduces the need for your sinuses to produce moisture and prevents your nose from running.
- Although the air indoors may be warm, it can be excessively dry and trigger a running nose. You can run a room or whole-house humidifier.
- Saline nasal sprays work by moistening the nasal passages. This provides a remedy that keeps the passages moist restrains over-production of fluid.
- Your nose may run due to illness that is usually accompanied by other types of symptoms like a cough or sore throat.
- Crying leads to excess fluid being drained through the nose.
- Nasal passages heat air before it reaches the lungs. This is facilitated by the nose producing extra fluid during cold weather.
While you may be tempted to breathe through your mouth, you should avoid this because you will end up exposing your throat to dry and cold air that can lead to a cough, dry mouth and sore throat. The body typically breathes through the nose and prevents such symptoms.