Steps managers can take to ensure their employees remain healthy even in high-stress jobs

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Many managers do not care about the happiness of their employees. If the employees are happy, it will increase their productivity and creativity. Managers are solely responsible for making sure that the employees remain healthy even if their jobs have a lot of stress.

Here are 7 steps to make sure that your employees remain healthy.

  1. Communication is the key:

The employees can’t connect with the goals of the company to his goals if there is no communication between him/her and the manager. Communication includes not only verbal communication but also the body language. Transparent communication in the office leaves the employees in a good mindset.

  1. Maintain good organizational culture:

The organizational culture of a company is a major reason that affects the employees’ state of mind and productivity.  Having a quite office space and a positive work culture will ensure that your employees stay healthy even under high stress. Positive work culture not only motivates the employees but also makes them spread the positivity throughout the office.

For example, Walt Disney World Company has employee assistance centers across the theme park gives a positive work environment.

  1. Give them flexibility:

Giving them flexible work schedules will make them happier and be more responsible for the work assigned to them. Flexible work hours mean that you trust your employees and this would encourage them to work harder.  It is better if you do not enforce micromanagement on your employees.

Example: The core value of Netflix is “Freedom and responsibility”. The employees have flexible working hours and they do not believe in a fixed work schedule.

  1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy:

Employees spend a lot of time in office and work without fun will only increase their stress levels. So, it is important to have some fun activities once in a while so that they can also enjoy some time with their co-workers. Most of the organizations these days have fun activities at least once a week. The fun activities are a form of stress busters and keep the employees positive.

Example: Asana is a company keeps its employees happy by providing them on-site yoga for all employees.

  1. Give value to your employees and encourage their efforts:

If a manager gives value to all his employees it will make sure to keep them on their toes. Always encourage the employees for their efforts, be it big or small. This will make them happy even if they do not get a hike. Employees feel frustrated when their hard work does not get recognized. Rewarding employees motivates them to work harder and be faithful to their company.

  1. Evaluate the employees and give them feedback on a regular basis:

Evaluation and feedback pave way for improvement. Giving your employees’ regular feedbacks on their work will make them realize that their contribution to the company is important. Create growth opportunities so that the employees work on the feedback and improve their work and productivity. Also, evaluate the job satisfaction of every employee.

  1. Give them space to voice their thoughts:

Thoughts lead to creativity. Giving opportunities for the employees to showcase their ideas makes them feel good. Hence it is necessary to let your employees voice their thoughts and opinions.

A manager should set an example for all his employees. He/she is a person that the employees look up to with respect and happiness. It is in the hands of the manager to ensure that the employees don’t feel low even in a high-stress environment. Remember that the employees mostly quit because of their bosses and not the job!

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Here are 7 steps as advised by the Human Resources department at Hashtag17 to make sure that your employees remain healthy.