Can a toothpaste tell you are pregnant?

pregnant with toothpaste tube

Finding out that you are pregnant is one of the most beautiful things in the world. However, when it comes to the chosen method, there are many more options available, other than the standardized home pregnancy test. More recently, it has been stated that one could use toothpaste, in order to determine whether a pregnancy is in question or not. In this article, we will talk about the toothpaste pregnancy test and how accurate it actually is. Based on the information provided here, you can decide whether this is something you might want to try or not.


According to the DIY tutorials found online, you will need two cups. One should be filled with urine, preferably the first one in the morning (as this has the highest concentration of hormones). The second should contain toothpaste, whatever brand or type you prefer. With the help of a syringe, you should take some urine and pour it over the toothpaste. Mix everything well and wait to see what happens. It might be necessary to add some more urine, mixing it some more.

If a pregnancy is present, the mixture should either have bubbles or become frothy at the surface. Also, it should have a blue color or bluish tinge. On the other hand, if no reaction appears, this can signify that the result is negative. For many women, this test is considered to be particularly helpful, as they already present pregnancy-related symptoms, such as morning sickness. The test is often followed by a visit to the doctor, in order to confirm or deny the pregnancy.


Until the present moment, no studies have been undertaken with regard to the toothpaste pregnancy test. Pharmacists consider that the accuracy of this test is to be doubted, recommended standard tests for pregnancy detection. According to Stuart Gale, from Oxford Online Pharmacy, who was quoted by Huffington Post, the reaction observed is actually caused by the interaction of the urine acids with the calcium carbonate contained in the toothpaste.

As the pharmacist pointed out, the more acidic your urine is going to be, the more intense the reaction. In the opinion of this specialist, this is in no way related to one being pregnant or not. On the other hand, the pharmacist draws attention to the fact that standard pregnancy tests are 99% accurate. He also recommends that anyone having suspicions of pregnancy should go to a doctor for proper tests and confirmation.

It is possible that future research will provide new information on the subject. Many of the initial methods for testing pregnancies were innovative, being later demonstrated as valid. In the meantime, even if you decide to opt for this DIY method, you should still consider going to the doctor. The specialist can test your urine and measure the level of pregnancy hormones, thus confirming whether you are expecting a baby or not. Moreover, depending on the stage of the pregnancy, you can also benefit from an ultrasound and actually see a tiny dot in your uterus.

What other information should you know about the toothpaste pregnancy test?

First of all, you have to keep in mind that this method is not backed up by scientific research. Second, you need to visit the doctor, no matter if you obtain what seems like a positive reaction or not. Your growing baby needs proper care during the first weeks of pregnancy and this can only be provided by an OB-GYN specialist. You can take the toothpaste pregnancy test after all but do not stop there. Give those standard pharmacy tests a try as well, in order to confirm your suspicions and make an appointment to see your doctor.

Those who have developed this DIY method have a number of recommendations, which can actually increase the accuracy of the test. First and foremost, the urine used for the test should be the first one in the day, as it was already mentioned above. This is because this urine is rich in pregnancy hormones, if a pregnancy is present. During the day, as you drink more liquids, the urine becomes diluted and it will not offer the same results.

Apart from that, you are advised to use high-quality toothpaste, as this is also richer in calcium carbonate and can thus offer more accurate results. With regard to the actual type, it is recommended to choose the classical toothpaste, as this does not contain artificial coloring that might impact the accuracy of the test.

Another thing you should be on the lookout for is cleanliness. The cups chosen for the actual test should be 100% clean, without any contamination. You should also wash your hands thoroughly and use a new syringe, in order to keep the risk of contamination down to a minimum.

Final word

In conclusion, the toothpaste pregnancy test is a fun thing to try but it is not accurate (at least not at the moment). The test is not backed up by scientific research and it is considered that the reaction obtained by mixing urine with toothpaste cannot confirm the presence of a pregnancy. The best way to confirm a pregnancy is to take a standard test and then visit the doctor for proper testing.


Also watch video on “ Primal Symptoms of Pregnancy – What You Need To Know!”


Author Bio: Ella James is an independent researcher and writer. She has contributed to many online websites related to general health and fitness. Her interests include reading and writing about day-to-day health, fitness, and skin care problems. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn