Bonus Leg Workouts & Tips For Women

Leg Workouts for women squatting

In this article we assume that you are following a leg workout plan. STill there are some bonus exercises to relax your body. You must perform a leg cardio workout three or four times for 15 to 20 minutes in a day. This relaxing workout can be done either before or after your regular leg workout session. There are a couple of exercises that involve some gym equipment as well.


Let your body warm up for 7 to 10 minutes then do extensive 15 minutes cycling and then 15 minutes of moderate cycling. Now relax for 5 minutes. You can do this exercise at your gym as well in case you are an advanced athlete.

Brisk Walking

Walking can help in lose weight still you should keep your heart rate up and at ease. Take an easy walk after the workout session for 3-4 minutes and then turn it into a brisk walk during the session. Now relax your body for 3 minutes with an easy walk.


Take an easy walk for 3-4 minutes and as soon you feel warmed up start moving briskly for 2 minutes. Then again run for a minute. Repeat this activity alternately during your leg workout session.

Warming Up

Keep your body warming up with easy resistance of 3-4 minutes. Then shift the resistance level from easy to hard. The resistance will make you feel like you are moving up a hill. Make this practise of 2 minutes of regular intervals, then relax for 40 seconds with moderate resistance. Now repeat this until you complete the workout. Perform some relaxing movements for around 3-4 minutes.

Here are some important tips to follow during a leg workouts for women:

  • While performing the extensive leg workout program and you plan to hold weights then the weights should be challenging. But take the precautions if you find out that your form has started suffering or dipping. So make yourself strong enough to avoid any injury.
  • The more muscles you engage in an exercise the more results you will get. It is necessary to focus on the major muscles but involving the other muscles gives more power and energy while performing a workout.
  • Start with lifting lighter weights and upgrade gradually in order to achieve the impact of the workout effectively.
  • Keep a constant check on your physical changes in the body with the help of a physical trainer or doctor.
  • Before you start a new exercise or plan to lift a new kind of weight, you must get the help of a physical trainer.
  • A good diet is the source of success of any workout. To achieve long term results consulting a dietician is important at every transformation of the body.

Some of the exercises will give instant results while some may yield after consistency and with time. So you have to be patient with your routine. There will be times when your body may start struggling or feeling pain in some muscles, then you must stop immediately and consult a doctor.

Lastly, take a break over the weekend and enjoy your life as well.