Calories in Canned Corn – Weight Loss Recipes

corn bowl for healthy weight loss recipes

Canned corn is a relatively common item at the groceries. It’s also a common ingredient in many recipes, and preparing corn recipes is actually easy because of this. If you want to prepare this kind of recipes then click here to know more information about how to cook canned corn.

However, preparing corn recipes is sometimes not enough. To stay healthy, you will also need to choose those recipes which offer health and weight loss benefits. This isn’t always easy, as corn has fattening properties, but it’s not impossible either. So if you want to become healthy with corn then the information below may offer you the help you need.

The Benefits of Canned Corn

Corn has several benefits. First of all, it increases antioxidant activity, which not only improves the body’s general health but also improves immunity from illnesses.

Secondly, corn contains lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which help to improve eyesight. Finally, corn also offers a certain amount of dietary fiber, which can help you if you have digestive problems.

These benefits are preserved in most canned corn products at the market, and there aren’t really any major differences between canned corn and fresh corn on the cob. So as far as nutritional value goes, there’s really nothing to worry about.

On the other hand, it’s important to remember that corn contains sugar and carbohydrates, so eating them in large amounts will increase your weight. In fact, an ear of corn contains around 24.70 grams of carbohydrates and about 5.30 grams of sugar. So eating too much corn is bad for your weight and health.

Unfortunately, removing the sugar and carbs from corn is impossible using conventional cooking methods. This is why many recipes that use canned corned as secondary ingredients because using too much is not good for one’s health. Here are three recipes that use corn without causing health or weight problems.

corn okra tomatoes recipe
Top view of a bowl filled with corn, okra and stewed tomatoes in water with seasonings on a wood table top.

Corn Soup

Perhaps one of the healthiest ways to eat corn is through soup. Corn soups benefit from the taste of corn without forcing you to eat too much actual corn. To prepare corn soup, here’s a recipe that you may find useful.


– Around two thousand grams worth of canned corn

– One tablespoon of olive oil

– Three hundred sixty grams of onions

– Salt

– Two hundred grams of potatoes

– A whole chicken, prepared

The Process

First of all, take the canned corn and set it aside in a bowl. Next, peel and chop the onions and potatoes. Once you’re finished, set them aside in another bowl.

Take the oil and heat it inside a large pot. Set your stove to medium heat. Once the pot is reasonably warm, add the onions as well as the half teaspoon of salt. Stir the whole thing occasionally until the onions soften, after which you should add the potatoes and stock in the pot, and then set the heat to boil.

Don’t stop stirring until the potatoes and onions are soft. Once they are, add the corn and keep cooking until everything is nice and hot. Put everything in a bowl and serve.

Squash and Corn Soup

If you prefer something more vegetarian then the squash and corn soup is a good alternative to many traditional corn soups. Here’s what you will need.


– One tablespoon of olive oil

– One chopped medium shallot

– About one pound of diced summer squash

– Three teaspoons of chopped thyme and/or oregano

– One can of vegetable or chicken broth

– A quarter teaspoon of salt

– One cup of fresh corn

– One teaspoon of lemon juice

The Process

Start by heating a saucepan over medium heat. Once it’s warm, add the oil and then the shallot. Stir the whole thing for about a minute then add the squash and then one teaspoon of herbs. Stir the whole thing for 3 to 5 minutes or until the squash starts to become soft.

Next, add the broth and salt then wait for everything to boil. Once the whole thing is boiling, lower your stove’s heat to a simmer and then stir the squash until it’s translucent.

The third step is to puree the soup in a blender until it’s nice and smooth and then transfer it into a pan. This is where you will need to add the corn, but you will also need to keep stirring the soup as you add them.

Once the soup seems properly mixed, lower the heat to medium and stir it occasionally until the corn is tender. Once the soup is brought to a simmer, cut off the heat and then stir in the lemon juice.

Serve the soup in a bowl. Additionally, you also have the option of serving the whole thing with a garnish of herbs, but it’s your choice.

corn fresh tuna salad recipe
Fresh tuna salad

Corn Salad

Another good weight loss canned corn recipe is the corn salad. Not only do they exclude fatty foods, they also include many healthy ingredients. Here’s how you can prepare your own.


– Two to Three cans of corn (or equivalent to four cobs)

– Baby Tomatoes

– Olive Oil

– Vinegar

– Garlic

– Scallion

– Basil

– Two tablespoons of basil

The Process

Like most salads, the corn salad is easy to make. First of all, you will need to take the cans of corn and put their contents into a large bowl. Add the scallions and tomatoes in equal proportions, and then add the dressing (i.e. the olive oil, vinegar, garlic, and basil).

You can also add some cheese and eggs for added flavor, but if you’re on a strict diet then they are not necessary.

Additional Tips

Aside from these recipes, it’s also worth mentioning that most canned corn products that we find at the groceries tend to have preservatives. So before you buy some canned corn for one of your recipes, try to pick the ones that offer the least amount of preservatives.

Also, there are many kinds of canned corn. There’s sweet corn, flint corn, dent corn, etc. Normally, recipes don’t require you to buy a specific type of canned corn, but if it does then you should pay attention to the type of corn you buy at the store.

Finally, if you’re concerned about your health, look at how much sugar and carbohydrates a particular type of canned corn contains. Sometimes, certain brands may add a few a sweeteners to make their products tastier. So pay attention to the table of nutrients.

About the Author Lita Watson:

lita guest post author corn recipesHi there! I’m Lita, voice of Quick Easy Cook and I’m absolutely in love with cooking blogs. I’m a beginner in cooking and i try my best to make it quick and easy. Even though, it’s not always quick and easy to keep up with fancy dinners… so i keep learning and blogging about quick and easy ways to create delicious and yummy foods for my two kids and a wonderful husband.