Common Myths about Tummy Tucking That You Should Never Heed

Common Myths about Tummy Tucking That You Should Never Heed

To put it in simple terms, a tummy tuck is a surgery performed to make the abdominal skin tight by removing the excess fat and tissue. Despite this method of cosmetic surgery having been around for a long time, there are unfortunately quite a number of misconceptions about the procedure and its outcomes. These misconceptions prevent people from taking rational decisions and often they experience unexpected results or a gap in their expectations. Some common tummy tuck myths debunked:

Undergoing Tummy Tuck Will Result in Horrendous Scars

The genetic predisposition of people is responsible for the extent of scar formation. When the procedure is conducted by an experienced surgeon, the healing is quick and without complications, and the scars may even escape notice. The accuracy and precision with which the tummy tuck is carried out plays a very important role regarding the outcome – an abdomen that is completely proportionate to the body. Asking family and friends to recommend a surgeon can help, however, discussing your case extensively with the surgeon before committing to the surgery is best for managing expectations.

The Procedure Is Very Painful

It is quite natural to be apprehensive about pain when considering an abdominoplasty, another name for a tummy tuck, especially if you have never undergone cosmetic surgery. You can dispel your anxiety because the surgery will always be done after administering anesthesia. While a certain degree of discomfort will invariably follow the surgery, following your surgeon’s instructions will reduce the discomfort. By taking it easy for the first few days and taking the pain medication as prescribed, you can successfully recover with the least amount of discomfort.

You Can Lose Weight with a Tummy Tuck

The tummy tuck procedure is not meant for people who want to lose weight. The elimination of fat has only a minimal and barely-noticeable effect on your body weight. If you are obese, you need to make lifestyle changes that will help you to lose weight effectively along with proper diet and regular exercise. Undergoing a tummy tuck is not a license to overeat or consume junk food.

Pregnancy Is Not Possible After Undergoing a Tummy Tuck

Getting a tummy tuck and getting pregnant are not interrelated; it is quite possible to bear a child after a tummy tuck though some doctors suggest that you should ideally have the procedure done if you don’t have plans for getting pregnant anymore. This is simply because a pregnancy can undo the good that you have achieved with the tummy tuck. However, if you do get pregnant after the tummy tuck, there is nothing to get worried about; another procedure can make your figure trim again.


When a tummy tuck procedure is done by an experienced surgeon, the outcome can be very good. Your figure will be proportionate and there will be minimal post-operative complications and scarring. However, like any other surgical procedure, a tummy tuck too has its risks so you should only undergo one if you are convinced of its suitability after consulting with a skilled and experienced surgeon.