Coronavirus: everything you should know to fight it

While you are reading this article we hope that you already know about Coronavirus as it is becoming the most life-threatening disease in the whole world. As per now, the number of people affected by coronavirus all over the world is 212,799 among which 8,787 people are already dead. But these horrifying figures do not do justice to this dangerous virus. You also need to remember that the most affected countries are those countries deemed as one of the most developed countries in the world.

Countries like America, Italy or china are among those countries whose medical infrastructure is the best you can get in the whole world. But the spine-chilling news is that even they are helpless in the face of this disease. So, the most important thing that we can deem is awareness. You need to spread the necessary awareness among the people so that they can equip themselves properly in the face of this virus.


So before knowing how to stay away from coronavirus, first you need to know what coronavirus is, how it works and how it spreads. First, this menacing virus was originated from a wet market in a little city in China named Wuhan. The wet market is a type of market where people sell and buy fresh meat, so the market for selling fresh meat. Many animals are killed in that market to sell their meat. The specialty of that wet market is that apart from chicken, mutton, and fish, meats of other exotic wild animals are also sold.

Coronavirus is a new type of virus. The basic characteristic of a virus is that they reinvent it to become stronger and adaptable to the environment. Before the corona, Ebola made a massacre in Africa and S.A.R.S in China. The common thing among all three of them is that the origin is the wet market. Eating the meats of exotic wild animals is responsible for transferring their diseases into human bodies. Precautions against these viruses are usually related to the respiratory system – this is why you’ll see that businesses that still welcome customers have put protective measures in place and been given access to facemask signs to print, continually making the public aware of the steps they should take to stop the spreading.


The basic symptoms of coronavirus are like common flu or viral fever. The incubation period of this virus is 2 to 14 days. The basic symptoms are

  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough
  • Fatigue

Apart from these symptoms, the affected patient may also suffer from

  • Achiness
  • Nasal congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose


  1. If you remain close or in touch with the person who is affected in coronavirus
  2. If you come in contact with any respiratory droplets of the affected person. That means if an affected person coughs and sneezes and the droplets land in your mouth and you inhale it.
  3. If a person touches a surface or an object which contains coronavirus on it and then touches their mouth or nose then they can get affected by the virus.

The fatality of coronavirus:

According to WHO in March 2020; the fatality rate of coronavirus is 3.4%. While it statistically does not seem dangerous, it spreads exponentially throughout the world. Then 3.4% mortality rate becomes very dangerous when you calculate them in millions or billions of affected people. The researchers have found that death is taking toll mostly on old people whose immunity is taken as low. Even if you are not so old but you suffer from arthritis or diabetes or you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol that means your immunity system is weak. So, you will be under the grasp of the fatality rate of coronavirus.

Preventive measures:

1. Hand sanitizer:

The first thing you can do to protect yourself from being affected by the coronavirus is b washing your hands at regular intervals. Hand sanitizers that contain 60% alcohol can be very handy in this case.

2. Maintain social distance:

Keep a distance of one meter from a person who is sneezing or coughing.

3. Avoid crowded space:

It is common math that more you come close to the crowd more the chance of getting contaminated for you.

4. Do not touch your face:

If you avoid touching your face then the virus will not be inhaled by you through your hand.

5. Seek medical help immediately if you develop any symptoms:

Immediately contact medical help if you suspect that you are contaminated by it.

6. Quarantine:

Stay in isolation and avoid human contact for at least 14 days if you have any possibility of developing coronavirus.

7. Boost your immunity:

The most important thing to fight coronavirus is to boost your immunity system. According to Luke Coutinho, India’s number one health expert our body’s basic immunity is enough to fight coronavirus. So, we have to concentrate on boosting our immune system. But the question remains how? The least you can do is you can incorporate those things in your diet that boost your immune system.

  • Garlic: eat one quote of garlic every morning.
  • Nightshade vegetables:  add bell pepper, tomato, capsicum in your diet.
  • Star anise, lemon, and ginger: every morning boil star anise and ginger together and squeeze a whole lemon into that boiled water and drink it.
  • Probiotics: Probiotics are good bacteria in your body which boosts your immunity system. Yogurt or organic apple cider vinegar are the basic things that supplement probiotics in your body.
  • Zinc and selenium: if the amount of zinc and selenium increases in your body that means your immunity system is at its optimal level. Almonds and pistachios are the basic sources of zinc and selenium. If you can add pumpkin seeds or watermelon seeds with it then it will spike your immunity.
  • Water: Keep your body hydrated. A hydrated body means a good digestion system and a good digestion system means strong immunity.
  • Turmeric and black pepper: if you add black pepper into turmeric milk; that means your body will absorb the turmeric better.
  • Basil leaves: eat two basil leaves daily.
  • Stress: do not stress because stress only releases cortisol in your body which is harmful to your body and reduces immunity power.
  • Exercise: do exercise every day
  • Meditate: meditate before sleep
  • Sleep: try to have a sound sleep of 6 to 8 hours. It boosts immunity.

So, guys! Try not to panic. Stay safe. Stay healthy.