Your teeth become yellow-stained for various reasons, but If you want to whiten your teeth by lightening the natural colour of it without eliminating any of the surfaces from the tooth, then teeth whitening can be viewed as a very operative option.
Numerous teeth whitening options are there, such as visiting the dentist for whitening treatments and even using commercial products such as toothpaste or tooth powder for getting the desired result. But, all should be followed under proper direction knowing the type of teeth you have.
Reason for which they are safe
Products that are designed to make your teeth glow by giving it a white tone like Sticky strips or gel-filled trays or whitening kits are made with hydrogen peroxide, which is used because of its high capability to remove stains.
These types of bleaching products have been used severely throughout years, but scientists or dental experts never reported any issues in which hydrogen peroxide gave to teeth problems. American Dental Association also has green signalled hydrogen peroxide as a safe material for teeth whitening.
Doctors from across the globe and even health experts from the American Dental Association have suggested before experimenting with teeth whitening products; one should be supervised by oral health care doctors.
Basically, for patients who have cavities, gum problems or high teeth sensitivity or who have an allergy to hydrogen peroxide or even one who is pregnant should avoid teeth whitening experiments or surgeries.
Safety procedure one must follow
To safely carry out whitening of teeth through home whitening kits first check if the product is approved or not then follow the mentioned instructions for proper and safe results. It is also recommended to consult a doctor, who will ensure the effectiveness or safety of the product according to your teeth’ conditions. Reviews suggest it is recommended to use various types of teeth whitening kit that is in the market to ensure safety.
In the commercial market, there is also whitening toothpaste that has silica which helps in more aggressively removing stained surfaces from the teeth. People can carry out teeth whitening processes through a doctor which is generally carefully and effectively done. Other ways of whitening teeth are through whitening strips or usage of charcoal in home-based DIY products.
Reason for which they are not safe
In most cases, people have enamel which is thin and not sufficiently thick to resist against bleach; it will let the dentin being exposed thus giving rise to constant pain and sensitivity. In some products for teeth whitening and even the doctors use high bleach to deliver a more powerful effect over the teeth to make it look whiter.
The dentist mostly uses bleaching lamps to give a whiter shine to the teeth or even in other teeth whitening kits or sticks which have bleach to wipe off the stained layer from the teeth.
This bleach, if accidentally comes in contact with the gums, can establish an irritation over the gums, the irritation will increase until the bleach is carefully wiped off.
Another common reason for which it is not considered safe is because of its side effect of tooth-sensitivity. When bleach gets in contact with the enamel, it arises sensitive, which causes severe pain when reacted in extreme conditions.
The charcoal presence in most whitening toothpaste is imbibed to give more whitening, but these have some side effects. As, the charcoal inside the toothpaste erodes the enamels, causing the yellow dentine tissue to get exposed, making teeth more sensitive and more defenceless against decaying.
So, it is simple to remember that effective consultation with the doctors whitening teeth is safe, but it is needed to follow the methods mentioned above. I hope through this article; you got a clear idea about the safety of teeth whitening.