Five Reasons why fighting between couples is good

The heading must be a little unsettling for you. What do you mean by saying fighting is good? Have you lost it? These are some of the possible questions which are bubbling up in your mind. But, hey, it is a proven fact that those couples who fight a little are, in fact, better lovers than those who do not. Of course, we are not referring to a severe fight that would end up badly. However, small fights, arguments can help you out in a relationship in several ways. Here are some reasons why you should not be alarmed at every little fight with your sweetheart and rather enjoy it at times. Let’s check this out.

Fights bring out unresolved issues:

We know you are in love with each other. But there must be some conflicts between the opinions of you two. You may think it is better to keep any dispute aside and carry on with your sweet relationship stuff. But, any disagreement, however insignificant it may seem, can be a significant reason to worry if bottled up for long. Even if you are careful to avoid that issue, it will keep resurfacing once in a while. And then, it can ruin your relationship before you know.

So, the best thing to do is to let it be out in the front. It would be best if you never escaped from confronting a conflict. You both are adults. You can sit and resolve the matter. During a fight, you need to let your anger burst out. Through a row, you can stop the issue from cropping up ever in the future. It is better, as you hold no grudges against each other after venting out. It makes your relationship a hundred times healthier.

Fight helps you understand your partner better:

Debate or argument comes from disagreement. Fighting signifies that you both have announced your opinions, and they differ. So, if you do not say your idea out loud, the other one can’t understand you. So, even if it leads to a fight, you should make your disagreement known to your partner. Fighting ensures that you both have decided to talk things through. It also helps you grow to respect and understanding the partner better. So, next time the issue comes up, you may remember the fight regarding the issue and may not take any step that might hurt your partner. Gradually, you build an understanding of your partner’s point of view, opinions, and choices.

It helps you to spice up things:

When your relationship is not brand new, and you both are busy with your individual lives, items may be a little routine-like. But a huge fight can make something a little unusual. After a fight, you may start thinking about how your life is when he is not around you. You may feel sad when you want to share something out of your characteristic spontaneity but realize she is not there. Yes! It hurts. The sense of need may dawn upon you after a fight. The one whom you have taken for granted suddenly becomes the most missed person. Then you feel that you two are actually like the two hemispheres of the world, even more perfect. It might do magic for your otherwise complacent relationship. Voila! But, do not bit each other to make it enjoyable. All we are saying is that; do not dive deep into pessimism after a fight. Wait for the silver lining.

You suddenly know if it is really ‘forever’:

Monitoring the attitude of your partner after a fight is essential for you if you are thinking of plunging into the relationship for a lifetime. After a struggle, when you are not in the talking term, you might feel right about relationships. If you are missing him, then he might be the ‘one’. But, if you have any second thoughts about the link, then you might have to find another one. The intensity of your relationship is tested after a fight. If your partner backs off after a little fight, you need to let him go. If someone loves you, he will never bounce back no matter what. You may not need a person as your life partner if a couple-fight gets him all scared. Thus, a fight now and then assures you of the future of your bond.

After the fight, you burn with passion:

Which is the most memorable sex a couple could have? One of the many possible answers should be the post-fight one. Couples indeed love to make up after a bad fight. And, oh boy, that is so romantic. After a severe argument, you both can do with intense lovemaking. The intensity of the case makes way for an even more intense passion. It may seem to be ridiculous, but it is healthy.

Sometimes, the intensity of lovemaking is a result of the sting of guilt that you feel after saying negative things to your partner. Sometimes, you may feel bad that this fight may break us apart or create a distance between you two. So, you unconsciously bestow unparalleled passion for your lover. So, this is a positive outcome of fighting with your love. But, do not just start to blow each other up only to strengthen your bond. That would be pointless. Fight only when the cause is genuine.

So, fighting does not seem as scary as it used to. Any relationship is not a joke. You have to put labor to maintain that. You have to take care, go some extra miles to keep it a happy one. But, do not make a big deal on having every little problem. If it is inevitable, no fight can diminish it. If he is the one for you, you can be you with him. You can argue, and you can fight. If he holds on to you, you are a lucky girl.

So, sit and fight! Just as the adults do.