Tips to Recover Faster from Injuries

Injuries are the harsh reality of life. If you are into sports or workout, then you probably know what we are talking about. We all faced that painful sprain, strain, and even a muscle pull at some point in our life. It is better to apply first-aid as soon as possible whenever injuries occur. It can prevent concussion and even other complications.

One of the methods that are highly prescribed by experts to tackle injuries is RICE. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. This procedure helps in relieving pain, and it even limits swelling and further harm to the tissue. Most of the injuries start recovering within 24-48 hours as the damaged tissue begins to recover. If your wound is not healing faster than you thought, you can consult your physician and try some fast recovery methods. In this article, we will tell you how you can recover from your injury faster: 

How to Heal Faster from Injuries

  1. Nutrition is the Key: 

    The very first thing you need to understand for recovering from an injury is that you need to take care of your diet. Most of the sports injuries can be healed up with regular training and nutrition. If you are eating the right kind of protein, it will eventually heal up your tissue faster. Muscles are made up of protein, hence they protein to heal too. So, make a diet with optimum nutrition and try to include a lot of things that can provide protein to your body so your immune system can repair the damaged tissue very quickly. You can even consider a dietitian.

  2. Green Tea Lotion: 

    One of the best home remedies for treating your injury is using green tea extract. Well, it may sound very cliché but trust us, this works very well. According to a study conducted by NCBI in 2013, it was found if you use green tea extract on some minor injuries, the wound heals faster than that of vaseline. It was seen that wounds treated by vaseline took 20 days while the wounds treated by green tea extract took only 14 days to heal. That implies it took off nearly a whole week. There are a lot of ways through which you apply green tea extract. You can even buy a pre-mixed lotion or also make your lotion at home. You can use the cream to the wounded area every day and watch yourself its healing magic.

  3. Hydrate Your Body: 

    Remember, hydration is the key to everything. From recovery from an injury to surviving an illness, hydration always plays a key factor. But knowing the fact and doing the truth are two very different stuff. When you get wounded, it’s all easy to forget about hydration. You may not be working as hard as you usually do, but still, your body needs proper hydration as it is mending and building new tissues to fill up your wounded area. So, you do need some amount of hydration to keep onto this process. Opt for fruit juice and water rather than sports drinks. Fruit juice doesn’t have salt, so it won’t become a hurdle to stop swelling. Since you are not sweating, you don’t need salt and electrolytes in your body right now. What you do need is lots of protein and nutrients, and you can get that through fruit juice.

  4. Use Injury Protectors and Braces: 

    You don’t want to re-injure yourself, do you? Many athletes push themselves a lot. They use alternative training procedures to heal from the injury, and some of them even don’t care about their damage and make the situation worse. Sometimes we don’t remember that we are injured and try to bump out of bed. Some of us even re-injure ourselves by crashing into a table or something. Don’t make these mistakes if you want to recover faster and healthier. It would help if you never underrated your injury or injuries. The best way you can protect yourself is by using injury protectors and braces. Braces come in all shapes and sizes, and you can use them for various purposes. It can provide aid to your standard neck and ankle injuries very quickly. You should wear a bulky brace if you like to move around so it can take your impacts and prefer a lighter pair for the night to hold upon your injury in a safe position while you sleep.

  5. Do cardio Regularly: 

    An injured athlete needs rest, but you must remember your body parts must regularly move to be in their shape. Yes, you do need rest, and we are not running out that fact, but it is better if you add some regular cardio in your in-between rest periods. Steady cardio can boost up your blood pumping and even grade up your immune system and help you in reducing concussion. We recommend you to exercise at least 45 minutes a day in a week for your speedy recovery. You can do any exercise you want. Just try to loosen up your body a little to pump that blood faster. You can opt for swimming and other floor exercises to help your body muscles to keep on moving.  

  6. Sleep:

    Yes, you heard it right. Rest is an essential part of healing. It is more important than any other thing on this list. If you want to heal faster, sleep. Getting better sleep conserves your body’s energy and helps in healing. It also provides oxygen to break up lactic acid in your muscles that help you build new tissue at a very high rate. So, if you want to heal up your tissue faster than just sleep as much as you can, try to sleep more than usual. For instance, you can take a nap during the afternoon and during the night make the room cold to get a pleasant unsound sleep. The more you sleep, the faster your body hormones will work to build new tissues.  

  • These were a few tips that can help you to recover faster from your injury.