How Dogs Help Anti-Social Writers Stay Positive despite Stress?

How Dogs Help Anti-Social Writers Stay Positive despite Stress?

Spending hours on my work desk and getting absorbed entirely into the stories I was writing, I didn’t use to realize when I began to detach myself from my family and friends, and day-to-day responsibilities. I felt lonely, and depressed, but found no one to appreciate or support my efforts. Such is the story of a close friend, Miss Julia Smith.

I bet most of the writers will relate to this pressing reality. Is there a way out? Yes, since the day Julia has brought home Happiness-Labrador Retriever, her neighbors have felt a change in her personality—dull to lively.

Dogs can practically help you get out of your comfort zone, de-stress yourself, and stay positive. Here are the various ways dogs can help the introverted and anti-social writers to avoid stress:

1. Dogs Bring Writers Back to Reality:

Anti-social writers often lose themselves in their imaginations that they lose touch with reality. Did you know imagination can be dangerous for you? According to Dr. Johnson in Rasselas, constant flights of imaginations can lead a man’s mind to “to hope or fear beyond the sober limits of probability.”

On the opposite, dogs follow routines which you have to follow despite the fact that you are in the middle of a rendezvous with your characters. You need to take them out for walks, feed them on time, and pet them every now and then.

2. Dogs Can Wake You Up For Morning Walks:

Once you have trained your dog for a morning walk, he is going to wake you up at the exact time daily. If you try to ignore him, his sad yet cute face will convince you to get out of bed. Yes, he will be the reason for you to wake up early.

We all know well that exercise is miraculous therapy for stress, anxiety, and depression. Exercise helps to regulate blood flow throughout the body. Physical activity promotes the release of feel-good hormones, the endorphins.

A lot of positive energy and creative ideas are going to be at your doorstep soon. A day that starts well ends well. Here’s a great tip for you, use retractable leashes to let the dog explore the surroundings. Then, simply observe his eagerness to know everything, it will amaze you.

3. Dogs Show Eternal Love and Acceptance:

Writers, being an introvert, struggle a lot with getting accepted. Dogs show unconditional love in spite of all the mood swings we demonstrate. Pets give us such unconditional love, acceptance and time that we never feel alone for a single moment. They can read our emotions and imitate them, so we just have to stay happy to make the pooch happy.

Writers, often, want to be listened to. Dogs can listen to all your stories without getting tired. George Eliot was right in saying,

“Animals are such agreeable friends. They ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.”

4. Dogs Bring Positive Energy that’s Contagious:

Dogs have a lot of energy and they like invest it in playing with you. Their funny acts at the most serious moments can crack you up. Such good laughs and physical activities can uplift your positive energies.

The upsurge of happy hormones will help boost your mood and the cuddles will increase the release of oxytocin that will decrease your stress levels. It will help you view life under an optimistic light and be more creative in your writings. According to Hertenstein, “Oxytocin is a neuropeptide, which basically promotes feelings of devotion, trust and bonding.”

5. Dog Training Can Make You Creative:

When we are the teachers, we learn from our students. It’s true with dog training as well. Rewarding the dogs with treats to motivate them for learning the desired behavior can help you as a writer. The focus, compassion, and zeal a dog brings into the learning process can be a great inspiration for you.

The more ways you will find to teach and train the dog, the more creative you will get. Constant learning leads to creativity.

6. Dogs Remind Us Of Proper Sleep:

Most of the times, writers lose themselves in their stories for days and nights, ending up becoming insomniacs. Lack of sleep can lead to writer’s block, decreased creativity, and increased stress.

Dogs love to cuddle at all times and can sleep for hours. Following an active routine with them can help you fall asleep according to the routine. Did you know? Most of the renowned inventors like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, etc. were great nappers. Sleep is necessary for creativity.

Author Bio:

How Dogs Help Anti-Social Writers Stay Positive despite Stress?

Fiona Appleton is a Labrador owner. She is the manager of that has been developed to help people solve the troubles of pet ownership. She is an active advocate of animal protection campaigns. She wants people to understand that dog-behavior is reflective of our behavior.