How smoking is disturbing your body

How smoking is disturbing your body

This smoking habit kills around 208,000 people a year by causing the most sensitive heart and circulation (cardiovascular disease) diseases. Statistics say that quitting smoking is the best step that you can do for the safety of your heart health. Because the chances of a heart attack are almost twice for a smoker than a non-smoker.

The different way of killing heart by smoking:

Summarization of different research regarding smoking is that nicotine is the more effective reason for high pressure and increasing heart rate where others are seeming to be of minor importance. Its inciting body to produce adrenaline, which anticipates the heart beat faster and raises blood pressure and make hard for the heart to work. Increase in cardiac output and total peripheral vascular resistance is occurs due to the rise in blood pressure.

Smokers, having diabetes, also have a substantially increased risk of developing diabetic kidney disease. Type 2 diabetes has a four to five times greater risk of developing serious problems with blood circulation and confined vein can be the reason for heart problems.

Respiring secondhand smoke is the reason for those cells in the blood that are responsible for clotting (platelets) to become clingy and raise the chances of making blood more likely to clot. And this clot may block an artery, provoking a stroke or heart attack.

During pregnancy, smoking can cause a different type of additional health problems, also cause premature birth, the death of a baby and certain birth defects. Smoking also creates a problem in getting pregnant for a woman. Pregnant women can be the victim of miscarriage for smoking in this period. Smoking during and after pregnancy is the risky part of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and it’s an infant death for which the reason of the death cannot be found.

The vapor of different cigarette mix with bloodstream by smoking and affect our entire body. That’s why this may cause different disease also with dangerous 15 types of cancer. Where lung cancer survivals are rare among all cancers, smoking effects this more. It also increases the risk of mouth, pharynx (upper throat), nose and sinuses, larynx (voice box), esophagus (gullet or food pipe), liver, pancreas, stomach, kidney, bowel, ovary, bladder, cervix cancers.

Overnight cigarette smoking is associated with lower brain activity in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (L-DLPFC) during a high demanding working memory challenge. After inhaling nicotine its trigger human brain with a number of chemical reactions that may create short-term feelings of pleasure for the smoker, but these sensations are short-lived and depraving within minutes. Different studies show that brain structural and blood-flow abnormalities symptoms are visible in chronic smokers.

Scientists are finding out that nicotine affects one of the central nervous system parts called the hypothalamic melanocortin system by waking up a certain set of receptors. The receptors then activate pro-opiomelanocortin or POMC neurons which is a set of neurons and this put down the urge to eat.

This smoking arises the cholesterol and unhealthy fats rate in blood and leads to an unhealthy fatty position. These fats can block the walls of your arteries or narrow the arteries and it stops the normal blood flow to the heart, brain, and legs. Blockage in the blood vessel can cause amputation of toes or fees or any nerve of the body.

There have thousands of disease that causes by smoking but only one habit of quitting smoking can save you from those thousands disease. So, from now, this should be the motto of everyone to keep body fit by giving a bye to smoking.