Riding a motorcycle is a challenging experience in itself. A motorcycle is a rather dangerous means of transportation, but it is also a very thrilling and fun one for the driver, and this is why it is loved by so many people. Luckily, there are many things you can do to ensure that you are enjoying a safe and stress-free ride. Educate yourself and reduce the odds of going through a motorcycle crash. In this article, you will have a look at 7 of the most common motorcycle accidents and how to avoid them.
Left-Turning Cars
Just like the name suggests, this accident takes place when a car decides to make a left turn. This accident is responsible for 42% of motorcycle accidents, making it the number one most common accident of its type.
To avoid such an accident, keep an eye on a sign that might indicate that the car in front of you will most likely make a turn:
- A car at an intersection waiting to turn.
- A last-minute “look both ways” gesture.
From Behind
This accident happens when you stop, and the car behind you fails to notice and crashes into you. To avoid such accidents, make sure to pull in front of the first car as you are waiting at a multi-lane stoplight. If this is not possible, make sure to always stop to the side of the lane and not in the middle of it.
No Pranks
If you are riding with a group of people, the chances are that some might try to pull a prank on you, thus risking the cause of an accident. Always remind everyone about proper driving laws and etiquette to avoid any unwanted accidents.
Head-On Collisions
Head-on collisions are the deadliest motorcycle accidents since, during the impact, the car offers more protection to the driver than the motorcycle does for the one riding it. The “four R’s” are recommended to prevent such accidents:
- Reduce speed.
- Read the road signs.
- Drive to the Right.
- Ride off the road.
Corner Turning
This accident is very common among new motorcycle drivers or the ones who are driving at high speed. A corner turning accident might cause the crash of the motorcycle as well as other cars that might be driving at that time. Following the rule of the four R’s, and especially reducing your speed can help save your life and that of other innocent people.
It has been found that alcohol accounts for 50% of all motorcycle crashes. The only and most effective way to avoid such accidents is by not drinking and driving.
Among the most common reasons for which people buy motorcycles is because of their ability to go fast ranks 2nd. It is no surprise that high-speed accidents are among the most common motorcycle crashes and the deadliest ones. Driving at the indicated speed and following the road signs and indications should be enough to prevent such accidents.
Finally, although the motorcycle can be more efficient and can take you to a place faster, it is better when you follow the rules, avoid any motorcycle accidents, and arrive at your destination safe and sound.