How To Brush Your Teeth Properly

How To Brush Your Teeth Properly

It is vital that you know how to correctly brush your teeth, as incorrect brushing will likely lead to oral issues before long. The objective of brushing one’s teeth is to remove as much food residue as possible, and when you consider that the insides of a person’s mouth is far from smooth, it can be difficult to reach some areas. Failure to effectively clean your teeth can have serious consequences, as decay will soon follow, if the brushing technique issue is not addressed.

Choosing A Suitable Toothbrush

How To Brush Your Teeth Properly

Image Source: Pexels

Just as important as the brushing technique, selecting the right type of toothbrush will ensure optimum performance when you brush. Ask any orthodontist Gold Coast has and they will confirm that a soft brush with a small head is the best type of toothbrush to use, and most dentists will stock good quality toothbrushes. A small headed toothbrush can help to reach the awkward areas in between the teeth and the soft bristles will not damage your gums.

Two-Minute Brushing

The experts say it should take at least 120 seconds to brush your teeth, and while that might not sound a long time, next time you brush, time how long it takes and you might be surprised at how quick you have been brushing. Use short, gentle strokes, while focusing on the line between the teeth and gums – where most food particles are trapped.

Brush At A 45-Degree Angle

How To Brush Your Teeth Properly

Image Source: Pexels

For best results, the head of the toothbrush should be tilted at around 45 degrees, while also sweeping away from the gum line, which helps to remove plaque. Don’t be afraid to go over the same areas more than once and by changing the angle and brushing motion, you are maximising your chances of removing food particles.

Brush Your Tongue

Brushing your tongue will help to keep your breath fresh and although it might feel strange at first, it will soon become second nature. If you would like some further reading on the importance of brushing your tongue, there are articles you can find online. Brushing the tongue should be done with gentle strokes and you can vary the motion, from circular to up and down, which helps optimise the cleaning process.

What Type Of Toothpaste Should I Use?

There are many different types of toothpaste on the market and it really is down to personal preference, as to which you use. If you are a smoker, then use a toothpaste that removes tobacco stains. Many dentists recommend using a powdered toothpaste, as this is more effective than a cream or paste, due to the added abrasion. If you are at all unsure about the best toothpaste, you can always ask your dentist.

How To Brush Your Teeth Properly

Image Source: Pixabay

It is especially important that children know how to correctly brush and floss, so you might want to pass on this new knowledge to your family. With correct brushing, regular flossing and the use of an antiseptic mouthwash, your oral hygiene will go a long way towards maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

Of course, you still need to have regular dental examinations, which will detect any issues in a timely manner, and treatment can be carried out.