How to get back in shape as you withdraw from cocaine

How to get back in shape as you withdraw from cocaine belly

It is surprising what some people will do just to get rid of some few pounds off a weighing scale. Other than giving you pleasure, studies have shown that cocaine use makes you lose some weight. It is believed to reduce your appetite as you smoke it or snort it through your nose. You may be enjoying your new look caused by overdependence of the drug, but is this effect worth the many risks?

Statistics show that at least 18% of people with anorexia abuse drugs such as cocaine. Researchers from Britain indicate that you may have lost substantial weight while abusing the drug but once you start cocaine withdrawal it restores back your weight. As you try to stay clean, your suppressed appetite that was caused by cocaine abuse will soon elevate. Further studies reveal that cocaine does not reduce your food intake but slightly delays it.

What brings back the weight when you withdraw from cocaine?

High consumption of certain nutrients

Cocaine withdrawal symptoms need you to eat foods that contain fats and carbohydrates. These nutrients give extra energy to your body so that the signs don’t worsen your situation. These nutrients contribute the significant weight gain during the process. Craving particular foods to replace your cocaine urge makes you gain weight back.

Adjustments in eating patterns

The period when you abuse cocaine may leave you with less appetite taking in fewer foods and more drugs. With withdrawal, however, your eating patterns may change from having two meals a day to replacing them with three to four meals. Without the proper nutrition guide, eating habits may make you gain back weight because it is hard to control what you eat at this stage. Vomiting may be regular due to much food consumption all at once.


You may be substituting your cocaine addiction with food. Lack of balanced calorie intake makes you gain weight faster than when you were dependent on the drug. Some users have been found to replace this drug with alcohol. This increases their cholesterol level while withdrawing causing them to gain weight due to high sugar levels in liquor.

Body composition

People are different when it comes to their body composition. Users gain different amounts of weight with others gaining too much while others insignificant amounts. Your genes affect your body composition. Too much body weight while withdrawing may make you relapse because you end up stressing about this body change as it affects your physical and psychological state.

Increase in body fat

When using cocaine, the substance alters you metabolism that minimizes how your body stores fat. Withdrawing from the drug forces your body to fight going back to its healthy metabolism by increasing body fat thus causing weight gain.

Leptin level

High leptin levels seem to affect weight gain than low leptin levels. Withdrawing from cocaine makes you acquire high levels of leptin that is responsible for your increased appetite. Leptin counteracts a feeding stimulant known as anandamide thus making you gain excess weight when not using cocaine. The chances of developing obesity and high blood pressure are more when your leptin levels are high.

Your brain

The period of cocaine abuse makes your mind go into a state of starvation. This is what makes most ladies try cocaine to lose weight. When they finally realize its effects and withdraw, the brain recognizes that the fasting is over and triggers you to consume more with the fear of going back to the starvation mode.

Appetite stimulants

Your doctor may recommend appetite stimulants when you are not eating during cocaine abuse. This helps you prevent further weight loss by boosting your appetite for food. The stimulants may cause you to gain weight when you withdraw from cocaine. Get rid of the stimulants when you decide to get clean so that you don’t gain while eating overeating.

What should you do?

How to get back in shape as you withdraw from cocaine grapefruit

Healthy eating

Surround yourself with healthy foods that contain low calories and healthier nutrients. Lots of fiber, protein and complex carbohydrates will prevent you from becoming obese even when you are overeating. They also give you the energy to fight symptoms so that you can maintain healthy body organs and counteract possible infections.

Prevent dehydration by taking lots of water as you take your meals to help fight weight. Ensure that your meals are regularly scheduled to avoid impulse eating after every five minutes. A constant routine keeps you disciplined so that you don’t replace your craving with food.

Fat loss programs

As you prevent yourself from a relapse, enroll in a fat loss plan such as NHS so that you can quickly monitor your weight progress. Such programs facilitate your healing process from cocaine addiction as they work on restoring your body shape. They prevent your mind from staying idle by providing you with numerous activities to help you stay busy.


Working out will keep your body in check as it balances metabolism to prevent too much weight gain. It also helps you fight cravings as you spend most of the time in the gym rather than being influenced by cocaine addicts. Make friends at the gym who you can take work out classes with so that you remain focused as you ditch your drug buddies.

Cocaine detox

Eliminating the substances in your system, helps you balance your weight. It works towards normalizing your appetite by regulating your leptin levels so that you don’t starve yourself or feed excessively. The length of detox varies with each individual depending on how deep your situation is. Doctors carry out tests to determine what you need as a way of preventing allergies on certain medications.

They recommend healthy supplements and minerals that fight toxins and excess fat in your body so that you can control your weight as you abstain from the substance. Vitamins A and C help you in the recovery process. Nurses ensure that you take the right amount of calories to balance your weight.


Taking recommended hours of sleep help your body functions improve with enough rest. Meditation and therapy also help you relax to manage stress that may be caused by weight changes. Therapy sessions help you find better ways of dealing with withdrawal symptoms, and also helps you keep track of your behavioral changes.

Final thoughts

Most anorexics have been found to abuse cocaine as a way of reducing weight. This habit should not be an alternative to lose weight because the weight loss is temporary and you risk becoming dependent to cocaine. Use the tips above as you withdraw to keep your weight at bay.