How to make your temporary tattoos look like real

How to make your temporary tattoos look like real

Tattooing is a way of self-expression, emphasizing individuality and demonstrating the creative side of one’s nature. For young people, tattooing is a sign of emancipation and even rebellion, but adult people get tattoos for a specific purpose – for example, perpetuating the name of their loved one on their bodies. Continuing the conversation about tattoos, we should remember those people who do not dare to get a real tattoo. There are a lot of reasons for that – starting with the fear of pain and ending with the fact that it will be with you throughout life. That’s why the so-called temporary tattoos are becoming more popular.

A temporary tattoo, in contrast to the permanent, is placed strictly on the surface of the skin, not under it. Consequently, after a certain amount of washing and contact with detergents, it is completely erased from the surface of the skin. The pattern is transferred to the skin using special paper. The principle of such a tattoo reminds children’s stickers on the skin. Of course, such a tattoo will not last long, but sometimes it is even enough a few days to understand how the real tattoo on your body would feel like.

Before applying a temporary tattoo, you need to prepare the skin. This will enhance its durability:

  • Take a shower, exfoliate the skin.
  • Perform skin testing to prevent an allergy.
  • Rub the selected place with an alcohol-containing lotion to degrease.

It is recommended to choose such a place on your skin for the transfer tattoo that does not contact with water too often, otherwise, the pattern may begin to crack on the day of application. It is very easy to remove. If you do not touch it, it fades and disappears by itself in a couple of days. With the help of hot water and soap, it is washed almost instantly. For greater durability, you can sprinkle a tattoo with a thin layer of hairspray.

In order for a temporary tattoo to last longer on the skin, you must adhere to simple rules.

  1. Do not wet the tattoo during the first 24 hours after applying it.
  2. Do not rub it with a washcloth during taking a shower.
  3. Use a mild detergent without soap, because the alkali quickly removes the glue and paint.
  4. Put the tattoo on places that do not come into contact with straps, buttons and a belt.
  5. Do not engage in active sports while wearing tattoos – sweating will cause a rapid disappearance of the pattern.

Turn your dreams into reality, be bright and change your style every day with temporary tattoos.