6 Ways to Improve Sleep Naturally

6 Ways to Improve Sleep Naturally

Most people tend to get only six or fewer hours of sleep every night. This can lead to a lot of stress that can start affecting your heart, memory, and overall health. Here are a few tips that can help you get adequate amount of sleep in a natural way:

#1: Establish a sleep routine

It is important to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. It doesn’t matter whether it is a weekday, a weekend or a holiday. This way your biological clock will not get disrupted and you won’t be facing any sleep problems. It will also reduce the amount of tossing and turning you would need, to fall asleep.

#2: Exercise regularly

Being a couch potato does not help improve your sleep quality. In fact it might lead you towards depression, draining off your energy. What you need to do instead is to add some simple exercises to your routine. Keep yourself active throughout the day and avoid sleeping during the day. Also make sure your workout is all wrapped up several hours before you sleep. This way you won’t get too revved up.

#3: Stick to a healthy and balanced diet

It is important to eat healthy if you want to sleep healthy. Cut down on junk food and caffeine. If you can’t make sure you don’t have them after mid-afternoon. Your dinner has to be your lightest meal and you should ideally finish it a couple hours before you go to bed. Stay low on heavy or spicy foods that tend to keep you awake, giving you a heartburn or indigestion.

#4: Quit Smoking

As per research it is tough for smokers to feel rested even after a full night’s sleep. This is because of the stimulating effect nicotine can have. Also smoking can exacerbate sleep apnea as well as a number of breathing disorders that make it tough to enjoy restful sleep.

#5: Make it a habit to say no to nightcaps

Many have the habit of consuming alcohol before going to sleep. Although this might help you doze off initially, it doesn’t help in making you feel fresh in the morning. It in fact disrupts your brain waves and sleep patterns.

#6: Stay away from electronic gadgets before going to bed

Most people have the habit of watching TV, working on the computer, chatting on cell phone or playing a video game during the last hour of their day. They think this relaxes them; but it doesn’t. The light from these devices tends to stimulate the brain, making it harder to unwind. As far as possible, try and put away your electronic gadgets, an hour before you go to bed.

CBD gummies are said to induce better sleep at night. Most people who use this regularly claim that it makes them feel well rested and more alert and energetic during the day. As per research CBD helps in balancing and stabilizing the circadian rhythms.