Six Factors to Consider before Staring a Keto Diet

Six Factors to Consider before Staring a Keto Diet

A ketogenic diet has lots of benefits to your health and overall wellbeing. However, for most people, a low-carb diet is a complete lifestyle change. It requires lots of discipline, commitment and a drastic shift in perspective to accept that food can be medicine when utilized properly. If you are planning on going the keto way, here are a few considerations that you should take into account.

Information is crucial

Research thoroughly on keto diets before you start dieting. Read through magazines, blogs, and research on the internet to learn more about this diet. You will get information on what to expect from the diet, the benefits, and demerits of low carb diet. You will also know the types of food that you should avoid and the foods that you should purchase at your local grocery store.

Get professional help

Before you start your keto diet, you should seek professional help. It will be easier if you have a professional working with you through this dieting journey. You should seek help from a seasoned healthcare practitioner who can create a meal plan for you. This will save you from any major pitfalls by ensuring that you have the right micronutrients from the beginning. A professional will help you come up with a plan to achieve your desired goals.

Blood test

You should go for some blood tests before you start your diet. This will eliminate the probability of having any underlying conditions. You should consult your primary physician in order to rule out the chances of any disease. You can undertake a full blood count, lipid panel, kidney/liver function, thyroid test and inflammatory markers. Most laboratories will be willing to do most of these tests and will advise you accordingly before starting your keto diet for beginners.

Be easy on yourself

Starting a ketogenic diet is not easy because your body is not used to this transformation. This is especially true if you are used to eating lots of processed sugar and foods. Therefore, you should take it easy in the early stages. Give your body time to get used to this radical change of utilizing ketones for energy instead of glucose.

Eating out

Sticking to a ketogenic diet is challenging when you are eating out, traveling or socializing. This is because keto foods may be easy or difficult to get depending on where you live. Therefore, you should ensure that you do not start your ketogenic lifestyle when you are soon going to a party, a big birthday bash or a vacation.

Get more recipes

After achieving ketosis and you feel good about it, you should continuously adapt your diet. Trying out new ketogenic diets will prevent you from getting bored and losing interest in the keto diet. You can get new recipes from the internet and from people who are also on this low carb diet. With a little knowledge and having the facts at your finger tips, you will not get off-track.

Ketogenic diets can be quite tricky, especially for beginners. However, you can succeed if you pay attention and do everything right. You should pay close attention to individuals who have lots of information, experience and have researched extensively on keto diets. This way, you will reap the immense health benefits associated with a ketogenic diet.

If you’re just starting on a keto diet, you should be aware that you may experience the keto flu. This is very common, and it’s possible you will find a number of side effects such as headaches, fatigue and brain fog.