Smart Snacks For Healthy Teeth

Smart Snacks For Healthy Teeth

Your teeth are important; they help you to chew food and articulate properly. There is also a large amount of research that shows healthy teeth and gums are linked to a healthy body!

But you already know that you need to look after them, the problem is how. Obviously brushing them and flossing them regularly helps. It is also a good idea to have any general dentistry procedures completed promptly.

However, what about when you want and deserve a little snack? It’s very easy to reach for the biscuits or the sweets; but there are much healthier options.

The Problem With Sugary Snacks

Every time you eat sugar some of it sticks to your teeth. Bacteria in your mouth will get to work on these sugary deposits to remove them. Unfortunately in the process they produce acid. The acid then attacks the enamel on your teeth. This is the hard outer layer that protects them.

Once the acid gets through the enamel you are at risk of cavities and tooth pain. That’s why it’s important to modify your snacks; avoiding excess sugar and fat is important. It’s also a good idea to minimize snacking between meals.

Here are some smart snacks you can have that will help you to keep healthy teeth:

  • Fresh fruit & Raw Vegetables. 

However you should be careful regarding the fruit. Some fruits have high sugar content themselves! These include pineapple, pears and watermelon!

  • Nuts & Seeds
  • Whole grain Cracker and breads

Again you need to be careful; the topping you place on your snack could make a big difference.

  • Yoghurt

You may wish to opt for low fat yoghurt however you’ll need to check what else is in it. Sometimes in order to reduce the fat and keep the flavor extra sugar or sugar substitutes are added.

Avoiding Cavities

Alongside eating smart snacks it is possible to reduce your risk of cavities by doing the following:

  • Drink Water

Drinking water helps to keep your mouth moist and reduces the impact of the aid on your teeth, effectively diluting it.

  • Avoid Sticky Foods

Sticky foods such as cake, sweets and even soft drinks will stick to your teeth doing more harm than other sugary foods. Avoid them whenever possible.

  • Eat Carbohydrates With Other Foods

By mixing your foods you are minimizing the opportunity for food to be left on your teeth and the damaging acidic reaction to start.

  • Limit Snacks

Of course lowering your sugary intake will help your teeth and your general health. As well as choosing healthy food and smart snacks you should attempt to reduce the amount of snacks you have each day.

  • Brush Twice A Day

Brushing your teeth is very important as it removes particles of food that can encourage bacteria action and acid release.

You can brush them after every meal but it is also possible to chew sugar free chewing gum as this will help to neutralize the acids in your mouth.

  • Floss Once A Day

Flossing at least once a day will remove food particles between your teeth, reducing their effectiveness at creating cavities.

  • Visit Your Dentist

Of course regular visits to the dentist are also essential to ensure any issues are picked up early and resolved.