The Kind of Bra to Wear After Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation bra woman along lake

Post breast augmentation surgery you may need to change your entire wardrobe, especially bras. You might need to prepare yourself on spending extra in getting bras that are specially formulated for women with breast implants. Although, the change is pretty simple but the plethora of breast surgery bras and claims about each one of them is confusing.

The online forums and blogs are filled with knowledge about breast augmentation surgery and the pre and post-surgery instructions for your knowledge. The surgeons at Crispin Plastic Surgery Center however recommend all patients visiting for breast augmentation in Atlanta to follow the instructions provided by the surgeon, and ask questions for the right answers.

The following guide is for all the women aiming to get a breast implant procedure and have concerns for bras. TIP: It’s important that you prepare for the surgery in advance and keeping your closet ready for post-surgery days is even more important.

Post -Breast Augmentation Surgery Bras

So, whether you’ve had breast implant surgery or you’re looking to get one, remember that your bust line will change. Therefore, it’s recommended to look for bras that will not only look good but will also enhance and support the breast implants.

For post-surgery bras, always understand that it’s wise to decide whether you will go for sports bra, go bra less, or will wear a compression bra, consider the influence of your choice bra on the implants. Moreover, your implants need time to end up in the form you want, this also includes the type of bra you will choose.

So, before you rush to your favorite lingerie shop in excitement, the factors influencing bra choice include:

  • Most plastic surgeons recommend patients to follow the bra routine after duration of six weeks.
  • Right after the surgery, the bras used are mainly for holding the wound dressing in place and for protecting the breast tissues against movements and rubbing of wound against another surface.
  • Sometimes, the surgeons will ask the patient to go bra-less for the first week of post-surgery. Going bra-less helps soften and stretch tissues, as the breasts will be left to move freely.
  • Some surgeons on the other hand recommend an open front sports bra or a knit cotton surgical bra that opens up at the front with a zip. This kind of bra allows you to easily apply or remove the bra.
  • Your new bra should not only provide support, comfort and look flattering but should also fit properly. Wrong size will give shoulder and back pain.

Underwire Bras is a Wrong Choice for Post-Surgery Bras Choice

Breast augmentation surgery will leave you numb and in pain for a good time. Therefore, wearing an underwire bra will cause irritation on your skin and can make incisions become inflamed. The pressure of underwire on suture line might cause pain and affect the healing process. To avoid all such complications, avoid wearing a bra that has an underwire.

Choose a bra that is without underwire. Even better, it’s safe waiting for the right time to heal completely and then shop for any bra type. The general time period for complete healing from the wounds and adjustment of implants is three to six months. However, again it’s important to consult your surgeon for clearance.

The Medical Grade Compression Bra

The first weeks and even months of your breast augmentation surgery will need several follow up visits of you with your surgeon that will include stitches and monitoring for recovery. These will determine your eligibility for a clearance; meanwhile you might be one of those patients who will be sent home wearing a healing bra also known as a compression bra.

The compression bra is a specialized supporting bra that is made clearly for post operative duration. This bra is easy to wear and remove, and other major benefits include:

  • A compression bra minimizes swelling
  • It makes the healing process speedy
  • Will help improve the circulation
  • Flush down potentially harmful fluids
  • Keeps implants in the best position
  • Helps the skin fit in for better contour

This bra type is more beneficial than the sports bra. Most women are recommended to wear a sports bra for Stage One healing and Stage Two, or from the first week through the eighth week. Since this kind of bras accelerate the healing process, therefore you will soon get back to your daily routine. Just the right amount of compression reduces the formation of scar tissue.

There are various options of breast compression garments available at popular brands and stores. The best part is their availability in various sizes and colors. Enjoy your surgery in the best way possible and always make the right product choices that will ensure successful results.