Things to know before opting for dermaplaning

Things to know before opting for dermaplaning

To fulfill the demand of the current generation’s need to look aesthetic, technology has stepped up in a big way. People these days are often insecure about their faces. They feel that they have too many zits and blackheads. They feel that their skin looks darker or dead on most days. To solve this problem, modern medicine came up with the procedure of dermaplaning. Dermaplaning has become immensely popular among today’s youth. This is because of the safety, efficacy, cost-effectiveness, and ease of access to the procedure as a whole.

Dermaplaning involves using a scalpel to deftly remove the outer layer of the skin cells. The outer layer is dead, dull and full of dirt, so its removal exposes fresh, supple and smooth skin underneath. Moreover, this procedure also tackles dirt, blackheads, and zits which appear on one’s faces. It is a complex and elaborate exfoliation procedure. It also tackles acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles thus making the skin look rejuvenated and younger. Moreover, safe and reliable dermaplaning procedures are available around the world in places like dermaplaning Alpharetta.

Things to know

Now that you have heard all this positive information about the procedure, we bring you a list of things you should know before opting for dermaplaning.

     1. It can be performed or all skin types

Dermaplaning can be performed on all skin types regardless of the skin type. This is a huge advantage of this procedure. Moreover, the skin color also doesn’t play a role in this procedure. Regardless of how your skin is, this procedure will reveal a rejuvenated skin layer which lies below the outer layer.

     2. It doesn’t affect the skin or hair

Contrary to popular belief, dermaplaning will not make your skin look significantly different than its original physical appearance. The skin type, complexation or tone will not change after the procedure. Moreover, this procedure does not affect the hair at all. This procedure will now cause the hair to grow back thicker or faster. These are a few myths about the procedure which should be laid to rest before opting for the procedure.

     3. There is no rest and recuperation involved

There is no time needed for rest and recuperation after the procedure. The procedure itself lasts for about an hour and you will back up on your feet after that. You can report to work or run your errands immediately after the procedure. You will not have to take rest or wait. Worst case scenario, a slight redness may be observed by people with sensitive skins but that too doesn’t take the person who underwent the procedure out of commission.

     4. You will need to use sunscreen afterward

After the procedure, your skin becomes a little sensitive towards the sun. Hence you will have to apply sunscreen diligently. This only needs to be diligently followed for some days to avoid any damage to your skin. However, to prolong the effects of the procedure it is advised to keep applying sunscreen even after the sensitivity period is over.

     5. It will change your lifestyle

This procedure can really shake up your lifestyle. Gone are the days when you had to use costly cosmetic creams on a daily basis. After investing in this procedure once, you are set for quite a long time until you need to get it done again. This will change the way you look, change the way you apply makeup and change the amount of money you spend on makeup. Even the kind of makeup you use will be changed.

     6. The results of the procedure last long

The results of the procedure can last up to 4 to 6 weeks. This makes the investment worthwhile since a single round of intervention yields prolonged results.

     7. Rely only on professionals to perform this procedure.

This is a delicate procedure that needs to be done by a trained set of hands. Do not opt for the procedure if you don’t trust the service provider. Under no circumstances should this be performed at home by oneself.

By now, we’re sure you’re tempted to try out this revolutionary procedure. Now that you are armed with sufficient knowledge on the subject, you can make the call yourself!