Tips for Healthy weight Loss

Tips for Healthy weight Loss

In our daily life we are so busy that we usually end up compromising on our health while striving to achieve milestones. Obesity is one of the common health issues that is countering people very fast and latterly becomes reason for many other diseases. Not only this being overweight influences your self-esteem and sometimes drives you to depression. Losing weight is transformative it is not just about going down on a dress size but it also improves your health, career and wallet condition too. Therefore, we have complied some ides that can help you to get rid of stubborn weight and enjoy life to the fullest.

Tips for Healthy weight Loss

Prepare Yourself First:

The first and foremost thing that you are required to do is to make up your mind that the fat you want to lose is deposited in months and years. Similarly it will require months and even years to get rid of it. Losing weight in a healthier style requires more time. By healthier way I mean losing weight gradually because when you go for excessive diet you will lose muscles and water weight instead of fat. In addition to this if you will starve yourself you will make your body weak by not providing enough nutrition required by your body. Therefore, before starting your weight loss journey calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index) and calculate how many calories your body will require to lose weight in a healthy manner.

Meal Distribution:

Starving yourself will not help you in losing weight however the rule is to eat proper because as you starve yourself your body will start storing calories for future instead of burning them. It is necessary for an average over weight person to take at least 1200 calories per day. In addition to this, divide your daily meals into 5 sections breakfast, brunch, lunch, supper and dinner. The reason behind breaking meals into smaller portion is that it does not put burden on your digestive system and food is digested properly. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so never skip it because it boosts your metabolism. Moreover, take heavy breakfast and a lighter dinner the rule is to go from heavier to lighter meals. Try to avoid instant food and foods that contain preservatives. The added amount of salt and sugar in them can lead you to gain weight.

Tips for Healthy weight Loss

Do not drink calories:

Fruit smoothies are in trend these days which are no doubt healthier alternative of commercially available juices and drinks. However you should take them in limit because drinking smoothies means taking calories in. But drinking them does not make you feel full and you opt for something to munch on and ultimately eat more calories than required. In addition to this water must be your heartiest friend when you are trying to lose weight because it makes you feel fuller and you do not mistake your thirst with hunger. In addition to this, water flushes out toxins from your body and adequate amount of water intake decreases water resistance in your body. Moreover you can take green tea or oolong tea as they have antimicrobial properties and flavonoids that help in boosting metabolism.


Do you know taking beneficial bacteria can help you lose weight? Friendly microorganisms help to boost your immune system and provide with enzymes, nutrients and helps to break down fiber that your body cannot digest. Probiotics contain these bacteria from Lactobacillus family like bacteroidetes and firmicutes that absorbs dietary fats and increase level of hormones and appetite control. Not only they help to lose weight but they also helps in avoiding weight gain. Now the question arises which probiotic you should take? For you I have listed 5 best probiotics on blog.


The game is about 80% healthy eating with 20% of exercising. Controlling diet will help you to lose weight in the start but after certain time it will not work for you and you are required to move your body in order to lose weight. However adding exercise will help you to reduce weight fast. Ideally one must workout 3 days a week for at least 40 minutes.

Tips for Healthy weight Loss

Hope you find the above content helpful. Stay consistent, you can do it.

Author Bio:

Jane Scott is currently working as a nutritionist at a renowned firm. With an experience of more than a decade, she is considered as a go-to person in her field of work. She also writes blogs for her website Home Remedies for Life.